Sentences with phrase «directly by gene»

While there is no suggestion that behaviour is determined directly by genes — there is no gene for termite fishing — genetics might change behaviour indirectly, by influencing manual dexterity or some aspects of intelligence, for example.

Not exact matches

We need directly to challenge the relentless reduction of the latter to the former, through which, for instance, human consciousness of right and wrong is explained by hormones and genes.
By directly manipulating a portion of the prion protein - coding gene, Whitehead Institute researchers have created mouse models of two neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal in humans.
Other teams are trying to introduce the proteins encoded by the genes directly into cells, while Yamanaka is experimenting with «microRNAs» — snippets of RNA that help regulate gene activity.
The result was the largest deletion ever observed in the dystrophin gene using CRISPR / Cas9, and the study was the first to create corrected human iPS cells that could directly restore functional muscle tissue affected by Duchenne.
«By identifying the areas of the genome that are directly involved in the reprogramming, we have also identified an important factor in the process — the gene regulatory protein KLF11 (Kruppel Like Factor - 11), which is found in all fat cells, and we have shown that it is required for the reprogramming to take place.»
PowderMed, based in Oxford, is developing a DNA - based vaccine that works by spraying gold particles coated with avian flu genes directly into human skin with high - pressure helium.
The research team led by Rui Martinho, from the Center for Biomedical Research at University of Algarve and from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, and Prashanth Rangan, from University at Albany, discovered that the timing of turning the genes back on is programmed directly into the chromosomes of the ovule.
Additional experiments showed that the protein produced by HMGA1 activates another gene called Sox9, which is directly responsible for turning stem cells into Paneth cells.
Such a treatment might be combined with a gene therapy approach, also being pursued by her team and other groups, delivered directly to the brain to curtail mHTT expression.
There are a lot of genes directly regulated by sex hormones, and they are obvious suspects.
As with the mice, the team will inject the viral gene package directly into the volunteers» cochlea by peeling back their ear drum and passing a needle through a tiny hole made by a laser (see diagram).
Gene activity can't be efficiently measured directly, but can be inferred by monitoring RNA, the molecules that carry information from the genes for producing proteins and other cellular activities.
Moreover, disease - causing variants in DNA often do not act directly, but by activating nearby genes.
The readability of genes is controlled by epigenetic factors, namely factors which do not influence the gene sequence directly, but rather cause certain genes and chromosomal segments to be packed in different densities — and thus make them accessible for reading.
Imagine researchers» excitement, then, when Kyoto University's Shinya Yamanaka reported last year that his group had created embryolike cells directly, without transferring chromosomes, simply by injecting mouse fibroblast cells with four genes that are active in embryonic cells but not in adult ones.
Many of these were virulence genes that enabled them to survive in the gut or urinary tract, but some were genes that allowed them to compete better with other bacteria, either by scavenging nutrients, or by directly killing their competitors.
They identified a simpler 2 - node network — where the stripe gene is directly controlled by both activation and repression from the morphogen sensor gene - that replicates the stripe - forming ability in its simplest form.
It does so by activating the transcription factor STAT3, which in turn inhibits expression of the miR - 34a gene by directly binding to it.»
After Rao's lab identified IGF2BP3 as one of the top dysregulated genes in these cases, they began working with Sanford's lab to figure out which genes were being directly regulated by IGF2BP3.
One surprising finding from the study co-led by Johns Hopkins, Ehret says, was that many of the new sites identified were near genes that are active in cells that line the inside of blood vessels, suggesting those cells are somehow involved directly in blood pressure control.
Now a study shows that the protein built by healthy versions of the gene binds directly to DNA, suggesting that the protein might repair DNA damage.
The scientists also delivered components of the CRISPR system directly into the colon wall to quickly model colon cancer by editing the APC gene.
Here, we identified genes controlling greening directly downstream of the GATAs by integrating data from RNA - sequencing and microarray data sets.
Wenger et al. [65] compiled a list of the 70 genes that were known to be regulated directly by HIF - 1.
They identified several genes whose absence conferred HIV resistance, some of which had been predicted by previous studies and others that had never been directly tied to HIV infection before.
Greenberg, an investigator in the Clinical Research Division, and colleagues conducted a pair of experiments by manipulating gene expression directly in the epithelial compartment of the mouse prostate gland to better understand the role of IGF - 1R.
«Instead of looking solely at the genes directly implicated in autism through their genetic code changes, we really should be also studying the functions of the other genes implicated by these changes in genetic code through epigenetic connections.»
This subgroup of AML is trickier than APL, where the product of the gene created by the chromosomal rearrangement directly blocks the cancer cells from becoming their normal type.
Familial Dysautonomia (FD) Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived PNS Neurons Reveal that Synaptic Vesicular and Neuronal Transport Genes Are Directly or Indirectly Affected by IKBKAP Downregulation.
In rice, Oryza sativa HOMEOBOX1, a key regulator of meristem maintenance similar to kn1 from maize, controls local BR accumulation by directly targeting and upregulating genes encoding BR catabolism and conjugation enzymes (Tsuda et al., 2014).
Our team would like to be able to research passenger pigeon genes for de-extinction while primordial germ cell cultures are developed, and an Australian team has developed an effective way of bypassing cell cultures for engineering birds by going directly to the primordial germ cells in the embryo.
By directly altering the gene coding for the prion protein (PrP), Whitehead Institute researchers have created mouse models of two neurodegenerative prion diseases, each of which manifests in different regions of the brain.
Results: MinION correctly identified pathogens without culture and, among 55 acquired resistance genes detected in the cultivated bacteria by Illumina sequencing, 51 were found by MinION sequencing directly from the urines; with three of the four failures in an early run with low genome coverage.
«In individual cells, we saw that p75NTR production was controlled by Clock and Bmal1, which bind directly to the gene that codes for the p75NTR and start production of the protein.»
What Dr. Godwin eventually hopes to do is develop drugs derived from macrophages that will give humans the ability to heal without scarring — either directly or by triggering genes that control the formation of macrophages.
By directly comparing the gene expression estimates by these two techniques, using a correlation with TaqMan qRT - PCR as a benchmark, we find RNAseq provides measurements over at least two orders of magnitude greater than the microarray, and thus correlates better with TaqMan values across a large dynamic rangBy directly comparing the gene expression estimates by these two techniques, using a correlation with TaqMan qRT - PCR as a benchmark, we find RNAseq provides measurements over at least two orders of magnitude greater than the microarray, and thus correlates better with TaqMan values across a large dynamic rangby these two techniques, using a correlation with TaqMan qRT - PCR as a benchmark, we find RNAseq provides measurements over at least two orders of magnitude greater than the microarray, and thus correlates better with TaqMan values across a large dynamic range.
In addition, he has also discovered another protein that can be affected by drugs and directly influences gene expression in both cancer and heart failure.
The latest study, published in Cell Stem Cell, offers a third way to turn skin cells into stem cells by directly manipulating the cells» genome using CRISPR gene regulation techniques.
Abbreviations: Aβ, amyloid β - peptide; AD, Alzheimer's disease; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Ambra1, activating molecule in Beclin -1-regulated autophagy; AMPK, AMP - activated protein kinase; APP, amyloid precursor protein; AR, androgen receptor; Atg, autophagy - related; AV, autophagic vacuole; Bcl, B - cell lymphoma; BH3, Bcl - 2 homology 3; CaMKKβ, Ca2 + - dependent protein kinase kinase β; CHMP2B, charged multivesicular body protein 2B; CMA, chaperone - mediated autophagy; 2 ′ 5 ′ ddA, 2 ′, 5 ′ - dideoxyadenosine; deptor, DEP - domain containing mTOR - interacting protein; DRPLA, dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy; 4E - BP1, translation initiation factor 4E - binding protein - 1; Epac, exchange protein directly activated by cAMP; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERK1 / 2, extracellular - signal - regulated kinase 1/2; ESCRT, endosomal sorting complex required for transport; FAD, familial AD; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FIP200, focal adhesion kinase family - interacting protein of 200 kDa; FoxO3, forkhead box O3; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; FTD3, FTD linked to chromosome 3; GAP, GTPase - activating protein; GR, guanidine retinoid; GSK3, glycogen synthase kinase 3; HD, Huntington's disease; hiPSC, human induced pluripotent stem cell; hVps, mammalian vacuolar protein sorting homologue; IKK, inhibitor of nuclear factor κB kinase; IMPase, inositol monophosphatase; IP3R, Ins (1,4,5) P3 receptor; I1R, imidazoline - 1 receptor; JNK1, c - Jun N - terminal kinase 1; LC3, light chain 3; LD, Lafora disease; L - NAME, NG - nitro - L - arginine methyl ester; LRRK2, leucine - rich repeat kinase 2; MIPS, myo - inositol -1-phosphate synthase; mLST8, mammalian lethal with SEC13 protein 8; MND, motor neuron disease; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; mTORC, mTOR complex; MVB, multivesicular body; NAC, N - acetylcysteine; NBR1, neighbour of BRCA1 gene 1; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; p70S6K, ribosomal protein S6 kinase - 1; PD, Parkinson's disease; PDK1, phosphoinositide - dependent kinase 1; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3 - kinase; PI3KC1a, class Ia PI3K; PI3KC3, class III PI3K; PI3KK, PI3K - related protein kinase; PINK1, PTEN - induced kinase 1; PKA, protein kinase A; PLC, phospholipase C; polyQ, polyglutamine; PS, presenilin; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted from chromosome 10; Rag, Ras - related GTP - binding protein; raptor, regulatory - associated protein of mTOR; Rheb, Ras homologue enriched in brain; rictor, rapamycin - insensitive companion of mTOR; SBMA, spinobulbar muscular atrophy; SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia; SLC, solute carrier; SMER, small - molecule enhancer of rapamycin; SMIR, small - molecule inhibitor of rapamycin; SNARE, N - ethylmaleimide - sensitive factor - attachment protein receptor; SOD1, copper / zinc superoxide dismutase 1; TFEB, transcription factor EB; TOR, target of rapamycin; TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex; ULK1, UNC -51-like kinase 1; UVRAG, UV irradiation resistance - associated gene; VAMP, vesicle - associated membrane protein; v - ATPase, vacuolar H + - ATPase; Vps, vacuolar protein sorting
Furthermore, genome - wide studies, combining chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and array hybridization (ChIP - on - chip), have revealed that both active and silenced genes are directly bound in ES cells by one or more of the core pluripotency factors Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog [17], [19], [63].
Chromatin immunoprecipitation and chip analyses revealed that both active and silenced genes in ES cells are directly bound by one or more of these three proteins [17], [19].
New methods now allow researchers to sometimes directly show which genes have been activated or deactivated by the histones.
By injecting molecules called short interfering RNAs directly into tissue known as the trabecular meshwork, researchers have been able to silence the action of disease - relevant genes.
Most of the downstream genes we looked at experimentally were regulated by miR - 24 recognition of «seedless» complementary sequences.7 We now think that miR - 24 is another example of a «master regulator» of the cell, which acts by directly suppressing the expression of many genes that act in interconnected pathways.
Future use of IGF - 1 will no doubt involve gene therapy, which directly targets genes that produce IGF - 1 in muscle, usually by attaching specific gene activators to an inactive virus or vector that then enters into muscle cells.
Researchers identified a new location where the vitamin - D receptor appears to bind directly to DNA and activate a gene known as MKP - 1, interfering with the inflammatory cascade promoted by long - term stress and a highly refined, processed food diet.
A: I'm fascinated by the field of epigenetics, which is the study of how environmental factors like diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins directly affect the expression our genes.
Of the 20,000 genes measured for methylation, 4,000 genes were directly and positively affected by exercise.
A companion book, 50 Myths & Lies That Threaten America's Public Schools: The Real Crisis in Education, by David C. Berliner and Gene V. Glass is an academic cannon aimed directly at the most cherished beliefs of private sector forces and right - wing intellectuals.
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