Sentences with phrase «directly from the fault»

Rotary shear experiments reveal the frictional properties of clay - rich material recovered directly from the fault zone.

Not exact matches

This is your fault and it would be nice to see a little less sanctimnony from those who are directly responsible for tip [ing hard working families onto the Street whose efforts have paid for a the cosy non jobs your supporters have enjoyed It is common ton regard the left as well meaning but stupid but at times like this I really wonder if it is not something worse
Located in an area that has ruptured six times since 1857, the hole provided the first opportunity to observe directly the conditions under which earthquakes occur, to collect rocks and fluids from the fault zone for laboratory study, and to continuously monitor the physical condition within an active earthquake nucleation zone.
People might not be able to use their apartment for weeks or months, they might lose all of their personal property, they might even have medical bills from things like smoke inhalation — all of those things are directly your fault in that sort of situation, and all of those people are going to come after you personally to recover those amounts.
In addition to proving that someone else was at fault for the accident, the accident victim must be able to show that the catastrophic injury directly resulted from the accident.
This type of lawsuit is separate and distinct from a personal injury lawsuit, which is filed directly against a party at fault for an injury - causing accident.
In other cases, your health insurance company will seek to collect money directly from the party at fault to recover.
PIP coverage will require the insurance company to reimburse the insured for the medical costs of injuries directly sustained from an auto accident, regardless of who's at fault.
For instance, if another motorist is at fault in the crash, public policy dictates that you can collect from that person's insurer all costs you incurred directly because of the crash.
Auto liability insurance protects covered policy holders from having to directly take on financial costs stemming from at fault car accidents.
People might not be able to use their apartment for weeks or months, they might lose all of their personal property, they might even have medical bills from things like smoke inhalation — all of those things are directly your fault in that sort of situation, and all of those people are going to come after you personally to recover those amounts.
And, while it's not directly Google's fault, the inability to display content from HBO Go and Amazon Instant Video starves the system's already barebone streaming options.
At the time, Sun declined to respond to the accusations directly and suggested that it was the fault of the volunteers who translated it into English from the original Chinese version.
The book provides advice directly from girls who have experienced their parent's divorce and explains that divorce is not the child's fault.
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