Sentences with phrase «directly over the knee»

There is also a non-skid cap that goes directly over your knees to protect the flooring as you work, and it protects your joints, too.
Start in a push - up position and line up your shoulders directly over your hands and your hips directly over your knees.
On a mat get on your hands and knees, make sure your shoulders are directly over your wrists and your hips are directly over your knees.
Position each ankle directly over the knee, so your shins are perpendicular to the floor.

Not exact matches

A new study in today's issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found minimal risk for severe infection with osseointegrated implants — a newer prosthetic system, press - fitted directly into the femur bone — that enables bone growth over a metal, robotic prosthetic limb in patients with above knee amputations.
To minimise injury risk, ensure that the knee is directly over the toe.
Bend right knee, bringing that thigh parallel to the ground, with knee directly over ankle.
Ensure that your left knee is in line with your left foot, and your right hip is placed directly over your right knee.
Your front knee should be directly over the ankle and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor.
Knees bend directly over the ankles.
Sink down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, knees directly over your ankles.
Bend your knees until they're directly over your ankles as you raise your arms to the sides, just below shoulder height (shown).
Deeply bend both knees until right knee is directly over right ankle and left knee is hovering just above the floor.
Place feet squarely on the floor and align your knees directly over your ankles.
How - to: Start on your hands and knees, shoulders directly over your wrists.
Start on all fours in a tabletop position, placing shoulders directly over your wrists and hips over knees.
At the bottom of the squat, the knees should be directly over your toes.
Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far or over your foot.
Make sure to keep your knee directly above your heel, not extending too far forward over the toes.
Bend your knees and push your butt back, squatting until your sitting bones are just above the floor and knees are directly over your middle toes.
- Bend both knees to about 90 - degree angles, keeping the knees aligned directly over the feet (not rolling forward).
Keeping arms raised and abs tight, step your left foot back and lower into lunge position so front knee is bent at 90 degrees and directly over your ankle.
Bring the front knee directly over the ankle and be sure that thigh is parallel to the floor.
Then, bring your right foot over the left leg and place it on the floor just outside of your left hip (the knee should point directly up at the ceiling).
Your front knee should be directly over your foot all throughout the movement.
Stand with your feet hip width apart and push your hips back, while keeping your knees directly over your ankles, until your hands are just below your knees.
Bend knees to lower torso, keeping knees directly over ankles, as you raise arms in front of you to chest height, hands clasped, for balance.
Lower the back knee toward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot.
Lift your left leg up with your foot directly over your hip and a slight knee bend.
Keep the right knee directly over the ankle (slide the left foot back, if necessary, to create a strong base posture).
Bend the right knee to a 90 - degree angle, keeping the knee aligned directly over the ankle.
Seated on a stability that is for your height, place your feet hip width apart, look down to make sure your knees are directly over your ankles and your feet are straight (avoid turning your toes out or letting your knees cave in).
Keep the front knee directly over the ankle.
Keep bending your knee until it is directly over your heel.
- slouch as much as you can - let your gut hang out and down, push it out if you can - bow your shoulders in, hunch your back over, and bow your knees in - stand directly square to the camera so you look as wide as possible - frown or look miserable - have a messy, unflattering hairdo - wear the most unflattering clothing you can find - make sure the clothes highlight every bulge - don't flex or tighten up anything - make yourself feel as flabby as possible
Knees will travel so that they are directly over, or just slightly beyond, your toes at bottom of rep
The trick to this is to maneuver your feet far enough away from the wall so that while you're in the squat position, your thighs are parallel to the ground and knees are directly over ankles.
Step one foot back into a lunge with your front knee directly over your front ankle.
When lifting the leg laterally in a tabletop position, you want to keep the supporting hip stacked directly over the supporting knee; don't lean over to the side.
You may have heard the old advice to keep your knee directly over your ankle while you lunge, and that may work for some.
Place your feet about 45 degrees out to the sides with knees stacked directly over heels.
Bend both knees so your right knee is directly over your right ankle and your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
Then we balance our hips as we send our front knee out directly over the ankle.
How to: Get into a side plank on your forearm and knees so that your shoulder is directly over your elbow and your knees are stacked on top of each other and in line with your shoulders.
Your back knee should come close to the ground and your front knee should be directly over the ankle (like this).
From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward and bring your front knee directly over your front ankle.
Step forward into a lunge with your right foot in front, knee bent (as close to a 90 - degree angle as possible) directly over your right ankle, hips square to the front.
Make sure your body is vertical, your chest is up, and your knee is directly over your foot.
Keep your knees directly over the heels, but push them forward, away from the hips, and lengthen the tailbone toward the backs of the knees.
Your knees should be directly over the front of your feet.
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