Sentences with phrase «dirge among»

Night comes down, the strong land - breeze rushes seaward from the Peaks singing a mournful dirge among the treetops; the fitful glare of the fire throws weird shadows among the tall trees, eclipsing the twinkle of the firefly that flits among the leaves; and all is silence and slumber, save when a gaunt figure steals out of the hut, its lean proportions doubly grotesque in the uncertain firelight, to watch the progress of the grilling of the prized meat.

Not exact matches

Nevertheless, taken together these dirges illuminate with brightness and a sense of reality the anguished reactions to 587 and its aftermath among Judah's survivors.
Riding all night, the bus half empty, toward the interior, among refineries, trellised and turreted illusory cities, the crass, the indispensable wastefulness of oil rigs offshore, of homunculi swigging at the gut of a continent: the trailers, the semis, the vans, the bumper stickers, slogans in day - glo invoking the name of Jesus, who knows what it means: the air waves, the brand name, the backyard Barbie - doll barbecue, graffiti in video, the burblings, the dirges: heart like a rock, I said Kathy I'm lost, the scheme is a mess, we've left Oklahoma, its cattle, sere groves of pecan trees interspersing the horizonless belch and glare, the alluvium of the auto junkyards, we're in Kansas now, we've turned off the freeway, we're meandering, as again night falls, among farmsteads, the little towns with the name of a girl on the watertower, the bandstand in the park at the center, the churches alight from within, perpendicular...
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