Sentences with phrase «dirty fossil fuels»

Using public lands for development of dirty fossil fuels like coal poses a significant and swiftly increasing threat to our natural heritage.
Better yet, we should accelerate our nation's transition away from dirty fossil fuels and toward cleaner, safer renewables like wind and solar.
Our top priority must be to reduce our dependence on dirty fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, while boosting clean energy such as wind - and solar - power.
But this happened at the same time that humans were just starting to burn dirty fossil fuels in earnest.
Today, we're putting more and more heat - trapping carbon pollution in the atmosphere by burning dirty fossil fuels like oil and coal.
And those benefits don't even include the sizeable public health gains that result from when we replace dirty fossil fuel power with clean, renewable energy.
We don't have time to wait — but solutions are here and clean energy is replacing dirty fossil fuels in more and more places around the world.
We also push for the cleaner, smarter energy solutions across the globe that will power our future and make dirty fossil fuels obsolete.
Dirty fossil fuels just don't make economic sense — and some of the world's most powerful businesses know it.
This is just the beginning of reductions in carbon dioxide emissions as the explosive growth of wind and solar power cuts down the use of dirty fossil fuels.
We can shift our nation away from dirty fossil fuels and toward cleaner, renewable sources of power — but not without you.
It helps keep us hooked on dirty fossil fuels, undermining urgent efforts to head off catastrophic climate change.
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that humans are causing most of today's climate change by burning dirty fossil fuels and sending carbon pollution into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate.
«G20 leaders may like to talk about climate, but it's clear their talk is cheap,» said Kate DeAngelis, international policy analyst at Friends of the Earth U.S. «While praising each other for investing in renewable energy at home, they bankroll billions of dollars for dirty fossil fuel projects in developing countries.
As a result of the institution's continued support for dirty fossil fuel projects and its failure to approve a climate sensitive energy strategy, the WBG continues to finance unsustainable dirty energy choices that are harmful to the climate and lock developing countries into energy models that are both dangerous and expensive.
Cuomo's own rhetoric isn't consistent — his State of the State book for 2017 included a clear policy statement: «the State must double down by investing in the fight against dirty fossil fuels and fracked gas from neighboring states.»
Green Party candidate Matt Funiciello said the U.S. needs to take immediate action to get off of dirty fossil fuel energy sources like natural gas and coal and switch to 100 percent renewable energy sources like solar and wind.
Together we can reduce carbon emissions by adopt viable climate solutions — such as ditching dirty fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy.
Cities go dark for Earth Hour 2009 Tell us as well as Tweet us what you did for Earth Hour 2009 and bask in the reduction of dirty fossil fuel use if ever so fleetingly.
«We are excited by the proposals outlined today and look forward to working with Governor Cuomo to make sure 2016 is remembered as the year New York made good on its promise to build a clean energy future while leaving dirty fossil fuels behind.»
The movement pushing to leave dirty fossil fuels behind and move towards a safer climate is growing ever more diverse by the day, and its creativity never ceases to amaze me.
Kwami Kpondzo of Friends of the Earth Togo said: «COP22 was billed to be an African COP, and was the launchpad for the African Renewable Energy Initiative; an initiative by Africans for Africans, to leapfrog dirty fossil fuel development and bring clean community - based energy instead.
In fact, seven out of 10 Americans want the government to confront the crisis and support clean energy over dirty fossil fuels.
Irish Examiner — January 23, 2015 While the arguments for wind power seem straightforward and compelling, Wind power would reduce our dependency on foreign oil, wind power is clean and would allow for the shut down of dirty fossil fuel fired power plants.
We need to sustainability proof the future EU budget and make it serve the public good, promote social inclusion and strengthen European values, instead of wasting taxpayers» money on dirty fossil fuel investments, harmful and outdated farming practices, and large scale infrastructure projects that damage our health, destroy our environment, and jeopardise the safety and prosperity of our children.
Given the many unique risks of Arctic Ocean drilling, it is the right place to start reducing our development of dirty fossil fuels if we are to win the climate battle.
Up to this point, California has met this challenge by backing up clean resources with dirty fossil fuels.
To the chagrin of many environmentalists, natural gas has been heralded as a stopgap between dirty fossil fuels like coal and petroleum to renewable energies like wind and solar.
Nowhere in the Common Principles do we even see an alternatives test to measure whether support for non-greenhouse gas emitting renewable energy could be pursued instead of a slightly less dirty fossil fuel project.
We call BLM's rule — and a similar EPA regulation — the «little rules that could» because, since their inception, they've stood up to a barrage of attacks in court, from the Trump administration, and from members of Congress who are beholden to dirty fossil fuel interests.
But Trump looks set on reversing course and moving us backwards towards dirty fossil fuels.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) believes CCS technology can dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions when implemented at dirty fossil fuel power plants and other industrial facilities that enlarge the world's CO2 footprint.
Instead of financing dirty fossil fuel projects abroad, Japan should take advantage of these resources and invest in clean and sustainable renewable projects both at home and abroad.
«The EU wants a free pass to import dirty fossil fuels from the U.S. — a run - around U.S. law that would result in more dangerous fracking for oil and gas in our backyards and more climate - disrupting pollution globally.»
She's a champion for climate change solutions that create good, family - supporting jobs, and she supports bold action to stop dangerous and dirty fossil fuel pipelines and move us toward the 100 % renewable energy - powered future that Iowa and the planet need.
But for nuclear to rapidly displace dirty fossil fuels, it must become safer and cheaper.
Not only that, digging up dirty fossil fuels locks us into decades of carbon pollution and is a giant step back in the fight against climate change.
Dozens of cities and towns across the US have already committed to moving away from dirty fossil fuels in favor of clean, renewable sources like wind and solar.
the pipeline would deepen our dependence on dirty fossil fuels for years to come.
«Now that New York has built a foundation for the renewable energy system of the future, the state must double down by investing in the fight against dirty fossil fuels and fracked gas from neighboring states,» Cuomo said in his 2017 state - of - the - state address.
We then planted sunflowers at the gates of the coal plant, to begin the transition away from dirty fossil fuels in our community.
It concludes the transformation to a world of clean energy, ditching dirty fossil fuels, is eminently affordable.
By making dirty fossil fuels more expensive, I - 732 boosts the growth of clean energy like solar and wind.
Members of the EU Parliament's energy committee have supported reform of energy markets to restrict subsidies for dirty fossil fuel power plants, but failed to reject new gas infrastructure, in two important votes on climate and energy today.
The answer to our climate, energy and economic challenges does not lie in burning more dirty fossil fuels - instead, we must continue to press for much more rapid development of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and cuts in the pollution that causes global warming.
On the second day of the meeting, 80 attendees from 24 states made 101 visits to their congressional representatives and senators, and asked them to support measures to decrease air pollution by switching from dirty fossil fuel energy to clean renewable energy.
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