Sentences with phrase «dirty needles»

In developing countries, this also could eliminate the problem of contamination through dirty needles.
Hansel Tookes spent four years on a life - saving mission to convince Florida legislators to allow drug users in Miami to exchange dirty needles for clean ones.
HIV / AIDS was a fear: About 100 people in the same province had recently been infected when an unlicensed doctor, since convicted, reused dirty needles, according to press reports.
Portugal's experiment in turning drug laws into «administrative offenses» also saw impressive results, with falls in non-related criminal offences, general drug usage and HIV transmission through dirty needles.
Unless you (as the mother) have Hep B, or your child is going to have gay sex or get stuck by a dirty needle in the first 24 hours after birth, there is absolutely ZERO reason to get this shot immediately.
This means you can catch these diseases if you get a tattoo from someone who uses a dirty needle.
Some scientists, such as NASA climatologist James Hansen, are convinced that using such resources — he calls them «the dirty needle» of an oil addict — will mean «game - over for climate change.»
Jamie Henn: The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be another dirty needle feeding America's fossil fuel addiction.
Taking tar sands oil amounts to borrowing a dirty needle from a neighbor addict.
If President Obama chooses the dirty needle (approves the Keystone XL pipeline) it is game over (for the earth's climate) because it will confirm that Obama was just greenwashing, like the other well — oiled coal — fired politicians with no real intention of solving the addiction (of fossil fuels).
Before he was arrested, he characterized President Obama's impending decision to approve or disapprove the pipeline as a test of the President's moral seriousness: «If he chooses the dirty needle it is game over [for the earth's climate] because it will confirm that Obama was just greenwashing, like the other well - oiled coal - fired politicians with no real intention of solving the addiction,» Hansen said.
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