Sentences with phrase «disadvantaged social class»

The strongest predictor of adult depression or anxiety in many cultures is growing up in a disadvantaged social class.
In the words of the press release promoting the study: «U.S. students» scores are low in part because a disproportionately greater share of U.S. students come from disadvantaged social class groups» than is the case in the six countries with which it is being compared (France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the top - scoring ones mentioned above).

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Unfortunately this also tends to screw the economically disadvantaged and the middle class which leads to social unrest, which...
Unfortunately this also tends to screw the economically disadvantaged and the middle class which leads to social unrest, which in the case of Russia and Germany led to the fall of Tzarist Russia to the Bolsheviks and the rise of fall of the German Weimar Republic to Fascism.
«Real education reform requires broader social reform to end poverty concentrated in disadvantaged communities by race and class segregation,» Hawkins said.
It isn't just a lack of financial capital that puts many working - class students and faculty at a disadvantage; they lack social and cultural capital as well.
EW: You write that homework is the great social class discriminator and that it hurts poor, disadvantaged kids and widens the achievement gap between the poor and the privileged.
As a result, disadvantaged children prosper academically in Catholic schools, and the schools narrow the gaps among races and social classes.
«Social Security and Medicare have done a lot for the most disadvantaged but at the same time they were embraced by the middle class because there was a sense that we were all in it together.
Abstract In this article, I consider social class and reading performance, outline a non-categorical approach to reading disability, describe the reading intervention program we have developed for older low - progress readers, and seek to demonstrate how students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds can, and do, make substantial progress when offered effective reading instruction based on the available scientific research evidence.
As these and many other disadvantages accumulate, children from lower social classes inevitably have lower average achievement than middle - class children, even with the highest - quality instruction (Rothstein, 2008).
In addition, the findings suggest that social class inequalities in children's skills still exist within a disadvantaged community.
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