Sentences with phrase «disagree on abortion»

To agree to disagree on abortion, for instance, is to agree that people should be permitted to kill their children if they want to.

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The source of anger in each case was a conflict (orchestrated by Bushman's research team) with someone who vehemently disagreed with the student's views on abortion.
So Randy Barnett, who disagrees with Mitt on stuff like abortion, is shouting, in his highly principled libertarian way, that this is the most important election in a long time.
Other Christians invoke images of persecution when someone disagrees with them on controversial issues such as abortion or birth control, says Moss, whose «The Myth of Persecution» was recently released.
If both sides can agree on a common objective — to reduce the demand for abortions, maybe we can do something to make a difference in people's lives while we disagree over the larger issue.
Well, apart from us disagreeing on when life begins I find your candor refreshing, I appreciate that you practice what you preach, mainly «if you don't like abortion, don't get one» sort of thing.
We can agree or disagree with his views on abortion, social programs, etc..
A weak case can be made for permitting abortions on the grounds that responsible people disagree on the matter.
If you believe that fooling a woman's system to avoid pregnancy is against your moral code then fine, we'll agree to disagree on the evils of foiling God's plan for every coupling to produce a child, but to claim the pill is abortion is just sad.
I wondered how she felt about laboring to save the political skin of a conservative Republican who disagreed with her on abortion rights and a slew of other issues.
whether you agree or disagree with him on the issues, Sen. Diaz has consistently informed his constituents of his views on abortion and gay marriage.
The chairman also said he disagrees with Corwin position that abortion would be legal during the first trimester, but nevertheless doesn't consider her «pro-abortion» because she's «right on all the other issues» — from parental notification to the recent defunding of Planned Parenthood.
While we may disagree on what's right or wrong when it comes to abortion, we can all benefit from being a little more compassionate.
While we may disagree on what's right or wrong when it comes to abortion — and we may never agree — we as women and as a society at large can all benefit from being a little more compassionate.
Some approve it and consider as a natural fact caused by technological and social progress, some people disagree it and insist on abortion to be unnatural, thoughtless and forbidden.
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