Sentences with phrase «disapproved for»

This can stem anywhere from their inability to meet their current monthly payment which can result to delinquency or default to being disapproved for a loan application.
If your mortgage uses up more than a certain percentage of your monthly income, you could be disapproved for the loan.
Private lenders in Richmond Hill deal with a lot of people who have been disapproved for bank mortgages.
Two actions that can negatively impact your score are consumer proposals and bankruptcy, and these will cause you to be disapproved for bank mortgages.

Not exact matches

And if that were the case — again, hypothetically — then the question would arise whether it is OK to sack an employee for participating in some sexual practices of which you (or your customers) might disapprove.
A survey on Monday showed voters who disapproved of Abe's cabinet outnumbered those who support his cabinet for the first time in six months.
Meanwhile, 52 % said they disapproved of the legislation — good for a net -19 approval rating.
Specifically, Greenleaf disapproves of Clinton's big government philosophy and the controversies swirling around her, including using a private computer server for federal emails.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who is up for re-election in a state where 58 percent of voters approved of President Donald Trump during the first quarter, now finds himself 1 point underwater — 43 percent approve, 44 percent disapprove — after a net slide of 17 points from fourth quarter, the biggest decline of any senator during that period.
In «swing» counties where the margin of victory for either candidate was less than ten points, 30 % approve of the plan compared with 38 % who disapprove.
Majority of Canadians disapprove of Justin Trudeau for the first time since he became Prime Minister March 19, 2018 — The passage of time appears to have done nothing to soothe Canadian voters irritated with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau since
I worked for his grandfather, Ernest and he was earnest and when they passed social security which he disapproved of because he thought it reduced self - reliance and he paid me $ 2 for ten hours work.
Whether you approve or disapprove of the deal, you have to recognize that this could be a huge opportunity for many companies that, up until now, have been cut off from doing business with the Middle Eastern country.
By this logic, if I'm an employer, and I disapprove of drinking and smoking, then I shouldn't have to provide health care for health issues arising from those practices in my employees either.
After all, as the rather grisly specifics of the practice of animal sacrifice suggest, it would require a rather unnatural detachment for the members of the Court not to disapprove of any of the variety of religious beliefs or practices that they encounter in the cases they must decide.
What someone believes on their own is a matter for the community to approve or disapprove.
The LDS Church does not approve or disapprove of who runs for different offices of government.
Obama unfortunately is approving things that God would disapprove, leading a Nation to go against him... = / so Im not voting for him at all.
Imagine how traditional Christians would be perceived if, say, they advocated for gay marriage on the grounds of democratic fairness, this despite their deeply held convictions that God disapproves of those marriage.
For her, the three are the «entities» (objects, feeling states, situations, activities) that I would term the group's setting; the «directives» (actions to be done or avoided) I term its plot; and its «character» (qualities of personality approved or disapproved, rewarded or punished) to which I give the same name (Ethel Albert, «The Classification of Values,» American Anthropologist 58 [1956]: 251ff.).
But thousands of youth dabble in drug use, particularly «pot,» to share in a peer - group ritual, for a «peak experience,» or simply to try something exciting of which the square adult world vigorously disapproves.
We allow current conservative regulations to continue and we create a mechanism for people to violate those regulations to remain, knowing that some people on both sides will leave because they disapprove of this option.
[12] They will do this because the law will give the green light for Churches to be prosecuted by homosexuals who disapprove of Christian views such as that which holds that only couples born of the opposite sex should marry each other.
The man who fathered them, and the mom who carried them inside her body for nine months threw them to the wolves because they disapproved of their behavior.
For example, I hear Christians say all the time how they wouldn't have any problem with gays if it weren't for their belief that God disapproves of thFor example, I hear Christians say all the time how they wouldn't have any problem with gays if it weren't for their belief that God disapproves of thfor their belief that God disapproves of them.
At a time when the vast majority of clergy in America disapproved of Roosevelt's New Deal reforms, the CENTURY endorsed his 1936 bid for reelection because of them.
Carmel disapproved of the legal work he did for the government in a capital - punishment case, and their future together is rescued only after old Redmond's final collapse.
During the Great Depression, at a time when the vast majority of clergy in America disapproved of Roosevelt's New Deal reforms, the Christian Century endorsed his 1936 bid for reelection.
If death is the ultimate loss of control, and if that is the ultimate human indignity inconsistent with life as autonomous self - possession, then there is no reason to ban or even disapprove of suicide for any mortal, rational, human being.
For the past thirty years, all three leading polling organizations have consistently told us that a large majority of Americans, women even more than men, disapprove of the majority of abortions that are performed in this country.
It is interesting to see hindu christian, pagan Mithriac by faith to disapprove of Mohammad and lay on him, their hinduism absurdity for marrying a young girl.
He may approve or disapprove of the monarchy which they will have; but he will take it and use it successfully for his own ends.
Some genetic researchers do posit genetic causality not only for psychopathic illnesses such as manic depression and schizophrenia but for morally disapproved behavior such as stealing.
Abdul Malek Muhammad, speaking for the Muslim American Society told me that the society strongly disapproves of plural marriages.
5 Cause for automatic excommunication also exists in regard to priests who culpably fail to teach the Word of God in its fullness, especially when having been advised of the deficiency and continues to refuse to correct the fault — a clear grave sin of omission the other sacraments a legal priest fulfills legal requirements and has the moral duty to appropriately council, admonish, instruct and approve or disapprove.
The Stenberg dissenters repeatedly cited and quoted Justice O'Connor's abortion opinions from the 1980s, in which she had criticized the Court for operating as «the nation's ex officio medical board with powers to approve or disapprove medical and operative practices and standards throughout the United States.»
Again Luther backed it and disapproved of delays: «If we want cleverly to arrange matters exactly as we wish them to be... it will be for us as Solomon says: «He who blows his nose too hard forces blood from it.»»
Some people disapprove of masturbation because they see it as a perversion of sex, but there are others that see having sex as bad unless someone is trying to procreate — seeing those who have sex with their spouses for fun as perverting the purpose of sex.
A startling 39.5 % of people in this country do not believe that atheists fit into their view of the country (compared to 26.3 % for Muslims and 22.6 % for gays) and 47.6 % would disapprove if their child wanted to marry an atheist.
I don't know what you refer to when you say fishon and Steve would disapprove but I pray you get the space for that refuge you need.
If it can't be «undone,» it makes sense to wonder what, if any, are the negative consequences for living in ways we know God disapproves of?
(b) Within 6 months of receipt of submission, the Secretary will: Notify the State organic program's governing State official of approval or disapproval of the proposed program or amendment of an approved program and, if disapproved, the reasons for the disapproval.
We struggle to beat any sort of big team now imagine trying to do so with our 2nd string team and yes, Wenger will play our 2nd string team as he has relentlessly insisted time and again europa league is not a priority for him and he actually disapproves of champions league qualification through the «backdoor» that europa league winning provides.
I co-sleep too with my 6 m.o - I think society disapproves of it because there is such a high value placed on sex and the bed is supposedly needed for this so anything that hinders sex must be rejected.
We've got to keep the pressure on them for a vote to DISAPPROVE.
Now I must confess that I'm one to avert my eyes when a mother is latching on her baby but that's out of respect for their privacy / modesty, not because I disapprove a flash of nipple or them nursing.
Sure, some may disapprove, some may be offended, some may take issue with breastfeeding in public, but it isn't your job to protect them from what offends them and it certainly isn't your job to sacrifice your child's needs for someone else's comfort.
How do the proponents of range voting propose to deal with the complication of «what does 0 - 10 mean objectively» for political applications of range voting, where the scoring criteria is basically a fully subjective «like - dislike» or «approve - disapprove» continuum?
I suspect at least some of those are people like me who strongly disapprove of the coalition's programme, but see no sign that Labour has learnt why I couldn't vote for it in 2010 either.
New Yorkers disapprove 76 — 16 percent of the way the Legislature is doing its job — the highest disapproval ever recorded for the Assembly and Senate.
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