Sentences with phrase «discharge under a microscope»

He'll then look inside his canal with an otoscope, and have a close look at a sample of discharge under a microscope.
Diagnosis is based on seeing the mites when examining a sample of the discharge under a microscope.
The tiny mites can be seen with magnification, either directly in the ear with an otoscope, or by examining a sample of the ear discharge under a microscope.
A vet exam and evaluation of the discharge under microscope is needed to see if overgrowth of bacteria or yeast, the latter can happen sometimes with recent antibiotic therapy.
In younger pets or pets that spend most of their time outside, ear mites may also be an underlying cause of head shaking, and these need to be ruled out by veterinary exam and / or evaluation of discharge under the microscope.
To see what's causing your vaginitis, your doctor may do an exam, look at a sample of your vaginal discharge under a microscope, or do other tests, like a urine test.

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Rather than just prescribing more topical antibiotic / steroid medications like Mometamax or Otomax, it is important for animal guardians and veterinarians to look at underlying causes to avoid frustrating relapses and repeat veterinary visits.Many animal guardians will often erroneously think that their animal companions have ear mites; however, ear mites can be easily ruled out by having the ear discharge examined under the microscope.
This may include allergy workups, as well as the importance of making a swab of discharge from affected ears to examine under a microscope, which helps guide specific therapy.
A sample of the ear discharge may then be viewed under a microscope to determine if it contains bacteria, white blood cells, yeast, fungi, ear mites or ear mite eggs.
We take a sample of the ear discharge from each ear, place it on a slide, stain the sample, and examine it under a microscope.
When a dog is presented with ear inflammation (shaking head, scratching or rubbing at ears, ear odor / discharge), it is necessary to not only examine the ear with an otoscope (look into the ear canal), but also look at samples of wax, discharge obtained from the canal under the microscope looking for bacteria or yeast.
Your veterinarian diagnoses this condition by staining a sample of discharge from the ear and examining it under the microscope for the skin yeast, Malassezia, with its typical «cottage loaf» shape.
TREATMENT — Veterinarians diagnose ear infections by examining the ear with an otoscope to check for foreign bodies or taking a sample of discharge and examining it under a microscope to identify bacteria, yeast or parasites.
The video below shows an ear mite swimming around in discharge, under the microscope, swabbed from one of our canine patients.
Malassezia is diagnosed by the above symptoms and by looking for the organism under the microscope after swabbing the skin and placing the discharge on a microscope slide.
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