Sentences with phrase «discipleship program»

A "discipleship program" refers to a structured and intentional process in which individuals are mentored and taught the beliefs, values, and practices of a particular ideology, religion, or field of study. It aims to develop and guide individuals to become dedicated learners, followers, and practitioners of the principles they are being taught. Full definition
One such discipleship program enrolls boys and girls in a 10 - lesson Bible study.»
Jesus didn't sit them down on day of the «Jesus discipleship program» and say, «Okay, today we're going to learn how to pray, and tomorrow how to study your Bible.»
But unlike most discipleship programs today, Jesus always taught His followers within the context of service.
In discipleship programs, we hear about making commitments and covenants with God.
Discipleship = Serviceship The best discipleship program is one that follows the actual method Jesus used in making disciples.
Steps is an intensive discipleship program that consists of daily Bible study and reflection, one - on - one discipleship, sharing in small groups, and a large - group teaching time.
The Union Rescue Mission and Christian Life discipleship Program is a drug rehab program and alcohol treatment center providing both long - term and short - term residential alcohol treatment and drug treatment in Los Angeles.
After joining residents on an exhausting three - hour trip to the nearest grocery store, he had an idea that met the community's various needs in one elegant solution: Plant a garden, put residents to work, sell the produce, and use the whole project as a discipleship program.
Those who leave churchianity won't need experts to interpret Scripture for us, or to organize our discipleship programs and outreach events.
Please join us in prayer over the transportation of these gifts, for the millions of children who will hear the Gospel at shoebox outreach events, and for the local church partners who facilitate gift - giving and The Greatest Journey follow - up discipleship program.
If the goal of a discipleship program is to help a person act like Jesus, then our discipleship programs are failing.
You want life transformation to result from your discipleship programs?
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