Sentences with phrase «discouraged by a rating»

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After all, when a central bank influences the cost of financing through changes in the policy interest rate, its actions affect the economy by changing asset prices, encouraging or discouraging risk taking, and influencing credit flows.
Some analysts said the sharp swings in offshore exchange rates and borrowing costs appeared to be engineered by the Chinese leadership, as a way to ease depreciation pressure on the renminbi and to discourage speculation — namely short - sellers, investors who bet on declines in the currency, often by using borrowed funds.
For example, a reduction in capital inflows can deflate asset bubbles and so discourage consumption through wealth effects, or such a reduction can lower consumption by raising interest rates on consumer credit, or even by encouraging stronger consumer lending standards.
These improvements were reflected in the rise in the participation rate to 63 %, up 0.6 % since September, confirming there is greater slack in the labour force than conveyed by the headline unemployment rate, and suggesting that longer term unemployed or discouraged workers who have hitherto remained on the sidelines are being pulled back into the labour market by the growth in employment opportunities.
Discouraged by the idea of negative rates eating into their wealth, many savers might be compelled to invest in gold, which enjoys a reputation as an excellent store of capital.
Because the decline is being driven by unusual labor - force flows — aging workers retiring, the lure of government disability payments, discouraged workers and other factors — the jobless rate is a perplexing indicator of job - market slack and vigor.
These days, such activity has been discouraged by card issuers, given the higher fees applied to balance transfers (typically 4 % of the transfer amount) and the low rates of return of alternative investments and savings accounts.
Still, by shifting its policy focus to negative rates, Reuters said the BOJ hopes to dispel growing market views that the unpopularity of negative rates among the public would discourage it to cut rates, even if it would arrest unwelcome rises in the yen.
As my dedication to the bees began to wane, and was further discouraged by the low winter survival rate (oh and that one incident involving all the bees in my hair and the resulting trip to the ER, but that's another story for another day, and really, I think the bees were more scared than I)... as all of that was happening, I noticed that someone else was leaning closer in to the bees.
More than 30 small business owners in rural Texas were interviewed, among them a young woman who borrowed from her father to open a specialty cake business after being discouraged by a bank; and an elderly woman who built a restaurant and banquet hall, investing her own money when banks» terms were too difficult and interest rates too high, Mencken said.
Cal is discouraged by Jacob's incredible success rate.
Mr. Klein said in an interview that he was not discouraged by New York City's performance on the 2010 state tests, and that he still felt «awfully good» about improvements for black and Hispanic students, noting their rising graduation rates and college enrollments.
But if comparable outcomes are the only measure used to drive grade boundaries we would be by definition, consigning the nation as a whole to pass rates designed to discourage, to tell a significant percentage of the population, year after year, they are not good enough irrespective of what they've learned in absolute terms.
«By requiring that test scores in two subjects and graduation rates be given preferential weight, [the regulations] discourage schools from supporting truly broad opportunities to learn and the skills necessary for a healthy society.
The amount of interest that would be saved * if * you were to follow the «highest interest rate first» strategy is more than offset by the number of people who try that, become discouraged, and quit.
Read the small print and make sure you understand all the costs involved with individual packages — from flights to taxes to whether or not all meals are covered — but don't necessarily be discouraged by all - in rates of several thousand dollars.
Say you have $ 50,000, and you're jittery about the markets and discouraged by the low rates on savings accounts and regular GICs.
These days, such activity has been discouraged by card issuers, given the higher fees applied to balance transfers (typically 4 % of the transfer amount) and the low rates of return of alternative investments and savings accounts.
So, even though you would pay less overall by retiring your credit card debt in order of highest interest rate to lowest interest rate, it can be discouraging to start out that way.
This is usually strongly discouraged, but sometimes people are forced by situations to get a loan at very high - interest rates or are willing to wait for a long time to get a loan approval due to unforeseen circumstances.
in 1997 had waned as their early success at helping to boost the live - release rate of Austin's municipal shelter from a deplorable 15 to 20 percent to a hopeful 50 percent by 2002 turned into a discouraging status quo that was still in place when she took the helm.
It is rated E for everyone by the ESRB, but this is a game that can be discouraging to inexperience players.
Here in America there is a high drop out rate by discouraged young people whose educations are sometimes being administered at a failing rate.
The report offers solutions to ease the administrative burdens that can stall development, to stabilize renewable policy uncertainty that hinders development planning, and to ensure electricity rates do not by design discourage distributed generation.
That may not matter much for Lakehead, which will have to deal with stigma of being a second - rate law school anyhow (sorry Lakehead, it's true) and, in any event, is intended to serve a legal market (Northern Ontario) that is not effectively served by the current law schools, but that'll discourage, say, Ottawa or Queen's from pursuing that option.
You will either get an extremely low quote, and be surprised by how much it increases after you provide more details, or you will be put - off and discouraged by initially high premium rates.
Many people appear to have left their local labour market (as evidenced by a falling participation rate), possibly discouraged after having found it difficult during the recession years to find, or retain, a job.
I personally was discouraged by the GTA market due to the cap rates etc and now focus my investments and flips in more of eastern Ontario which have been quite successful over the past two years.
According to the Virginia Highway Corporation Act, three conditions must be met in order for the SCC to allow TRIP II to raise the Greenway toll including: 1) It must be reasonable to the user in relation to the benefit obtained; 2) It should not discourage the use of the roadway by the public and; 3) It should provide the operator with a reasonable rate of return.
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