Sentences with phrase «discovered by physicists»

But most high - tech medical equipment and procedures — MRIs, pet scans, ultrasound, X-rays — work on principles discovered by physicists and are based on designs developed by engineers.
He was convinced that nature had a way, not yet discovered by physicists, to protect us from what he considered an absurd implication of his theory.

Not exact matches

Their supervisor, the brilliant but cantankerous physicist William Shockley, was simultaneously amazed by their finding and deeply jealous he hadn't discovered it himself.
The equations of electromagnetism have a mathematical structure that is dictated by a set of so - called gauge symmetries, discovered by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl almost a century ago.
Modernism developed on the basis of the Newtonian universe, conceived as a complex inanimate machine, operating in absolute space and absolute time according to its own internal laws, which were also believed to be eternal and absolute.4 Understanding this «natural world» was the key to everything; physicists set about uncovering the laws by which the physical world operates; Adam Smith looked for the natural laws by which the economy operates; Darwin thought he had discovered, in the law of natural selection, the origin of species.
■ Bishop Nicholas of Oresme (1323 - 1382), Bishop of Lisieux who as a mathematician discovered how to combine exponents and developed graphs of mathematical functions and as a physicist explained the motion of the Sun by the rotation of the Earth and developed a more rigorous understanding of acceleration and inertia.
Or (as the Observer has also discovered) underdeclaring the costs of his physicists on the spending returns by # 43,000.
In March employees of the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkeley discovered that the solid gold Nobel medallion won by physicist Ernest Lawrence had been swiped overnight from a locked glass display cabinet.
As our knowledge has expanded physicists have had to calibrate the cosmos not by using ourselves as zero but by discovering zero points in nature or creating them from scratch.
Almost simultaneous with the birth of discover, physicist and Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez (along with his son, Walter Alvarez of the University of California, Berkeley) proposed that a giant asteroid impact killed off the dinosaurs by causing global firestorms and dust clouds that blotted out the sun.
Leonardo da Vinci pointed out that this information existed 500 years ago; the fact that the brain actually uses it was discovered by Victorian physicist Charles Wheatstone.
The phenomenon was first discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, who in 1911 saw mercury's resistance drop to zero at 4.2 degrees above absolute zero.
Sonoluminescence was discovered in 1934 by two German physicists who immersed powerful ultrasound generators in a vessel of water, creating a cloud of tiny bubbles that gave off a glow.
In the course of their research into the use of magnetic domain walls (local regions of magnetic «charge» usually driven by magnetic fields) to increase our capacity for information storage and logical processing, physicists at the University of Nottingham have discovered a phenomenon which has allowed them to «manipulate» the structure of a magnetic domain wall.
Physicists in the Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences have made science history by confirming the existence of a rare four - quark particle and discovering evidence of three other «exotic» siblings.
The element was discovered by a team of a dozen scientists from Russia, Slovakia and Finland, led by Peter Armbruster, a German physicist.
A team of scientists led by Virginia Commonwealth University physicist Jason Reed, Ph.D., have developed new nanomapping technology that could transform the way disease - causing genetic mutations are diagnosed and discovered.
«Microbiologists have rarely taken into account fluid flow as an ecological parameter, whereas physicists have just recently started to pay attention to microbes,» he says, adding: «The ability to directly watch microbes under the controlled flow conditions afforded by microfluidic technology — which is only about 15 years old — has made all the difference in allowing us to discover and understand this effect of flow on microbes.»
71 Anti-Repulsion Discovered This year physicists forced atoms to be bound by their mutual repulsion...
The decision by the US Congress to cancel the $ 11 billion particle accelerator has forced physicists to question whether they can ever raise enough money to discover the fundamental workings of the Universe.
2 In 1896, physicist Henri Becquerel was fascinated by the recently discovered X-ray.
In July 2012, physicists at CERN scored the field's crowning achievement by discovering the Higgs boson, the particle key to explaining how other fundamental particles get their mass and the last missing piece in a 40 - year - old theory called the standard model.
Such a particle would be «much more thrilling than the Higgs boson», says Christoffer Petersson, a theoretical physicist at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden — the Higgs was already predicted by the standard model of particle physics when it was discovered in 2012.
Physicists have found the first direct proof of oscillation between two of the three known types of neutrinos by discovering a tau neutrino in a muon neutrino beam.
Yet this is not what a team of physicists led by Dietrich Habs at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany and Michael Jentschel at the Institut Laue - Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France, has discovered.
French physicist Denis Papin invented pressure cooking in 1679 when he discovered how to cook food faster by increasing pressure inside the pot.
Recruited by Ventress with her coterie of female specialists — paramedic Anya Thorensen (Gina Rodriguez), physicist Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson) and geologist Cass Sheppard (Tuva Novotny)-- to discover the cause and nature of The Shimmer, Lena decides to embark on the mission to discover what happened to Kane, but will it be a suicide mission?
Founded by a laser physicist, LiteCure actively collaborates with teaching institutions, clinicians, and scientists around the world to validate current applications for photobiomodulation and to discover new uses.
...... When ever we physicists claim to discover a new particle, for example, we require that it be outside the expected error bar by at least five times the error bar's width (called five standard deviations or five «sigma»....
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