Sentences with phrase «discuss deal breakers»

It is important to discuss deal breakers before getting married so that both of you understand your spouse's expectations of the marriage.

Not exact matches

User «rdx,» a self - professed «Deals Fanatic» discussed her dismay at finding out the breaker in her bedroom tripped whenever two hair dryers were used.
Before this day arrives, be sure that you have covered all major deal breakers in your email conversations as most people are more comfortable discussing controversial subjects behind the camouflage of a computer screen.
They met through an online dating site, and when they both felt a strong connection they were eager to discuss some of the basics of what they were looking for in a long - term relationship, including their dating deal - breakers.
If you feel the need to include deal - breakers, imagine what you would want instead of what you wouldn't: «I'm looking for someone who can discuss matters that arise calmly to come to a win - win outcome.»
As I discussed a few days ago, sometimes you might not be a match for someone for very practical reasons, however sometimes, when asked a pointed question, you might give an answer, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a deal breaking issue... For example, whilst I would prefer to not date a smoker, and when asked would answer that, if I met someone I got on with well, and they happened to smoke, it wouldn't be a complete deal breaker for me.
Because of the hands - on nature it is prudent for a potential home buyer to take the time to ask questions regarding certain issues being addressed and discuss whether or not they could be considered deal breakers or are something that can be fixed inexpensively at a later date.
It can be complicated, but if you choose to stay educated and discuss your policy once a year with your agent, it's not something that should really be a deal breaker.
There's also no bluetooth support for audio devices and no audio jack in the Joy - Cons so there are quite a few basics missing in the hardware for players who need or desire these features, but they aren't deal - breakers in most use cases outside of a few potential errors we've yet to discuss.
This isn't a deal breaker for prospective S8 + owners, but it's an idea which should be discussed when summing up this investment.
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