Sentences with phrase «discuss reading results»

While not the focus of our research, we briefly discuss reading results below.

Not exact matches

Third, plan to meet with me as your pastor at least once or twice before the wedding to get better acquainted, discuss any concerns you have — perhaps as a result of your reading, group participation, or otherwise — and plan how your wedding can be made most meaningful to you.
Seventeen articles met all selection criteria and were included in this study.16 - 25, 37 - 43 We read the articles independently and assessed their quality using the Newcastle - Ottawa Scale (NOS).45 Results of the validity assessment were discussed until agreement was reached.
I began to read the literature in my discipline and discuss experiments and results with my advisor, lab mates, or any one in my department.
You might spend days reading confusing articles that discuss anatomy and biomechanics but real results are made by making real efforts in the gym.
Hi Rhonda, Neither I nor anyone else reading this can provide personal medical advice, so I am glad you are discussing your results with your naturopath, as you mentioned above.
O'Brien discusses the results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in regard to student performance in digital reading, navigation, and computer use — and what these results mean for educators in the United States.
Michaelson estimates that the process of administering the test to a class, hand - grading each one, analyzing the class results, and discussing them with him takes each teacher anywhere from three hours for the reading assessment in the early part of the year to seven hours for math near the end of the year.
I have weekly meetings with the teams to discuss an array of topics including academics, after - school tutoring for at - risk students, behavior problems, parent concerns, truancy, curriculum mapping, and tri-annual online reading and math test results.
District performance - based assessments in reading, writing, spelling, and math are given, on average, three times each year, and numerous staff development hours are spent reviewing results and discussing ways in which the findings can be used to inform and change classroom instruction to meet the needs of individual students.
After reviewing survey results, faculty read and discussed case studies of maker - centered learning, thinking through local affordances and constraints.
I have developed a lesson on this topic and cross-referenced it with reading results from Baltimore's school system based on Malcolm Gladwell's story about the KIPP school (also discussed in the above story).
The results of all reading diagnostic tests and reading remediation shall be discussed with the student and the student's parent prior to the student being promoted to grade four.»
Researchers and district officials discussed the first evaluations of the California Office to Reform Education, Read more about Early Results in California's CORE Districts -LSB-...]
Back in August, NFER researchers Jennie Harland and Claire Hodgson discussed the provisional national curriculum assessment results for KS2, focusing on reading moving from its position as the subject with the highest performance under the old curriculum and assessment regime to the lowest under the new one.
David Laws plans to discuss results at Key Stage 2 with Ofsted's Sir Michael Wilshaw after the Reading East MP highlighted the issue in parliament.
We might also imagine teachers meeting each week to read and discuss research — developing applications for their classrooms and tracking the results.
Teachers were present to discuss results of both math and reading - comprehension tests.
Both groups of students performed similarly in reading.39 Notably, this study only analyzes one year of impact data; however, the results are in sync with the recent longer - term findings discussed above in Louisiana, Indiana, and Ohio.
If you are reading this book with colleagues, discuss how you used the results to inform lesson design, regardless of whether or not you differentiated.
As students work through eScience3000's proven 5 - step routine, they read and discuss texts to develop meaningful understandings of disciplinary core ideas; engage in hands - on activities and investigations that reflect today's science and engineering practices; and reflect on crosscutting concepts and the nature of science as they analyze their results and write about their conclusions.
As a result, all students read, write, discuss, think, investigate, and solve problems at ever - increasing levels of proficiency.
Agent Donald Maass, in his various fiction writing books, tries to discuss why some books capture people's imaginations, and result in tremendous word of mouth («You must read this book!»)
Barnes & Noble officials were unavailable to discuss the results of the in - store reading program.
AR: Are you concerned that younger people today will read less as a result of all the changes we've been discussing?
Whilst I can't promise you success, if you actually read and implement the five points discussed below, you should see some improvement in your trading results.
For the last several years, we've discussed the issue of jerky treats that have been making dogs sick — and resulting in... Read More
Adelita Husni - Bey's The Reading is a video (and props) installation that resulted after a workshop, for which the artist created a new — magical / transformative — environment and a set of tarot cards to ease a group of young New Yorkers into creatively discussing important issues and conceptions of our contemporary world.
The seminar, held in in Dakar, Senegal, last month (20 — 21 November), discussed the results of the programme — which encompassed two demonstration studies in Kenya and Senegal --[continue reading...]
Reading on new ideas we must remember what was discussed in another recent thread: Very many scientific papers are wrong, publishing also such papers is necessary for the progress of science, but we must remember that only well enough confirmed results are really part of best scientific understanding.
This article discusses the role of the intervention of the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) in the case of Vriend v Alberta, [1998] 1 SCR 493, a case which resulted in the SCC ordering the ground of «sexual orientation» to be read into Alberta's human rights legislation (then the Individual's Rights Protection Act).
If you want to make sure you have coverage for death resulting from a motor vehicle accident you should read through your policy and discuss any questions you have about a death payout with your agent.
«As I read many of the threads in this sub that discuss people's issues with Destiny 2 I have realized that many of the drastic changes Bungie have made are the direct result of complaints that were made throughout the life of Destiny 1,» wrote the user.
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