Sentences with phrase «discussion about my practice»

The ACCC confirmed it had been involved in discussions about the practice of par - baking with industry participants, including some of the larger chains and small independent players.
These teachers have opened their classrooms to visitors, to video cameras, to new assessments, to discussion about their practice.
Throughout, the message was clear: Adhering to norms would help build the trust needed for the candid discussions about practice that a data - based improvement process entails.
Accordingly, teachers, also as per the research, seem to appreciate and enjoy the additional and more frequent / useful feedback and discussions about their practice, as increasingly offered.
-- Monthly roundtables in which Fellows lead discussions about their practice.
Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg join New Museum Curator Gary Carrion - Murayari for a screening of select works from the artists» back catalog followed by a discussion about their practice.
Artists Talk to Each Other, followed by a post-talk party: Rant & Rave Redux Join us for this non-traditional artist talk with our ONE YEAR artists in a round table discussion about practice and politics in art.
Since joining, Fred has been a frequent contributor in several outstanding discussions about the practice of law.
San Francisco, CA About Blog Discussions about the practice of journalism.

Not exact matches

The discussions, led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, are expected to cover a wide range of U.S. complaints about China's trade practices, from accusations of forced technology transfers to state subsidies for technology development.
Practicing daily gratitude will always be part of the discussion about a powerful morning routine and the best way to start the day.
The discussions, led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, are expected to cover a wide range of U.S. complaints about China's trade practices, from allegations of forced technology transfers to state subsidies for technology development.
In early February, the firm received a response from Vanguard, which Tim Smith, senior vice president at Walden Asset Management, told me included a discussion of Vanguard's efforts to talk with companies about social and environmental issues, but stopped short of saying that Vanguard would actually change its proxy voting practices.
The discussions, led by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, are expected to cover a wide range of US complaints about China's trade practices, Reuters reports.
In September 2015, we hosted the Norwest Demand Generation Summit at the Four Seasons Silicon Valley, where more than 120 sales, marketing and demand generation executives gathered to learn about current trends and best practices in demand gen and customer acquisition through a mix of inspiring keynotes and panel discussions.
The discussions are expected to cover a wide range of topics, including U.S. complaints about China's trade practices.
There is much that could be said about this, but I will stick with one thing, based on discussion at about the 2 minute mark: When atheists insist that atheism does not drive behavior, and then then campaign on behalf of atheism, ridicule religion and religious believers in the name of atheism, seek to change laws in favor of their atheistic positions, recommend the extermination of religion, and practice falsehoods like Dawkins's in support of atheism, they prove that their atheism drives their behavior and that their premise is false, disingenuous, and (as far as I can tell) useless for anything but giving atheism rhetorical cover from being implicated in atheists» atrocities.
If «believers» aligned their right beliefs with right practice, fewer church members would look elsewhere for critically important discussions about caring, inclusiveness, open dialogue, ethical decision - making, and shared doubts in the context of a disturbing contemporary polarized culture.
This discussion began with me commenting on the sense that there is something, I'm not sure what, problematic about the position that those with homosexual desires are not to practice, and that makes everything okay.
So in the example of the crusader, it is meant as a way of opening up a discussion about what Christ's lordship should look like in faithful practice assuming that everyone in this conversation is already committed to the truths we all confess in the creeds.
The principal critics of practical theology therefore advocate a radical rejection of modern questions about reason and practice in favor of a discussion in which the most important questions about the meaning and validity of the Christian message are assumed, precisely so that the details can be intelligently debated.
By engaging people in the effort to understand God by focusing study of various subject matters within the horizon of questions about Christian congregations, a theological school may help them cultivate capacities both for what Charles Wood [2] calls «vision,» that is, formulating comprehensive, synoptic accounts of the Christian thing as a whole, and what he calls «discernment,» that is, insight into the meaning, faithfulness, and truth of particular acts in the practice of worship (in the broad sense of worship that we have adopted for this discussion).
But actually requiring a dialogue, question and answer, interactive discussion about a text of Scripture, which then leads to brainstorming about how everybody can go out and put it into practice in tangible ways, and then actually going out and doing it, requires too much for most people.
Observations the industrialist made about how he practiced respect for persons sounded like the Corinthian passage; and the discussion participants listening to these remarks thought they were listening to a paraphrase of the biblical text.
It is significant in this regard that most discussion about religious uses of television takes place in print, while the actual practice continues in electronics.
This practice of holding the ancient — ecumenical — creeds in common, while confessing anew in our varied situations according to the needs of a particular moment in history, has continued to mark the Reformed family, despite a long succession of discussions about the possibility of a common Reformed confession.
I now devote a whole day of discussion to talking about what kinds of employees «bosses» value and how students can begin to practice those traits — collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, problem - solving — in school.
To recap it, basically it was a wide - ranging discussion of participants» general concerns about lack of transparency in our food supply and concern about certain additives or food production practices.
Many adults feel awkward talking about sex with their child because they don't have much practice doing it and because they're afraid of telling too much once a discussion gets going.
Following several public meetings and many discussions with High School District 214, whose swim teams used the indoor pool for practices and meets, about a combined effort to renovate and expand the pool, a plan was approved by the Park Board in December 2002.
In order to get the most out of practice behind the wheel, start a discussion with your teen about how to recognize when to apply the brakes.
No activity or discussion at any Association meeting or other function may be engaged in for the purpose of bringing about any understanding or agreement among members that may violate or appear to violate the antitrust laws, including but not limited to raise, lower or stabilize prices; to regulate production; to allocate markets; to encourage boycotts; to foster unfair trade practices; to assist monopolization; or to in any way violate federal or state antitrust laws.
Delivered in single or multi-session formats, doctors - in - training begin with discussions about modern fatherhood, parenting and pediatric practices.
They love to use everything from painting to collage and this Mosaic Farm Art Activity can lead to many discussions about farming, art, and give your child some fine motor practice as well.
In addition, attendees joined small group discussions about effective and successful policies and practices at the school, district, and state level pertaining to three groups of activities that catalyze efforts to meet and exceed Smart Snacks requirements:
Part of the difficulty with creating a new understanding of adoption - including the women who chose it, the families who adopt, and the children who are adopted - is combating archaic adoption practices that not only reinforce negative stereotypes, but also do an incredible disservice to what adoption can be - that is, adoption is a legitimate pregnancy option for all women faced with a pregnancy decision, regardless of whether they identify as «pro-life» or «pro-choice,» religious or not, conservative or liberal... In the face of a pregnancy decision, the women who choose adoption feel no more part of the political discussion around it then the women who choose abortion feel about the political rhetoric characterizing their decision.
RAD has no place in the discussion of attachment versus traditional parenting, and to include it is a disservice to parents who are trying to make informed decisions about their parenting practices.
For more, see past articles on working with local bloggers and best practices for blog advertising as well as this write - up of a great discussion about spreading the word about issues through blogs.
brings organizers together for workshops, trainings, discussions, consulting and networking, visionary speakers, and thoughtful debates about our strategies and practices.
«These discussions and demonstrations are part of an unprecedented nationwide conversation about reform of police practices and the American criminal justice system.»
This workshop aims to explore the underlying reasons for research ethics and how we can go about implementing them to compare and contrast the requirements of different bodies» ethical guidelines (ESRC and NHS) to consider the implications for management researchers to provide a forum for the discussion of research ethics issues and the sharing of good practice.
And groups like the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse, or ACTS for short, is trying to raise awareness about the practice, with protests and discussions with county officials.
He explained their discussion about the idea of abandoning the practice of cross party endorsements, because of the abuses stemming from the «Wilson - Pakula» that empowers Party Chairpersons to place members of other parties on their own party's ballot.
This online portal supporting the Statement is a resource hub providing information and articles that can be used to further and inform discussions within labs, in policy offices, on campuses and in classrooms about what scientific freedom and responsibility mean, not just in principle, but also in practice.
The aim of this meeting was to enrich the Coalition's contributions to ongoing discussions about the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress in regional human rights bodies and at the United Nations by exploring challenging conceptual questions about the meaning of the right and its application in practice.
About Rice and Beans: Following recent discussions on food here on Anthropology in Practice, this week I'll feature a four part series that that explores the ways immigrant groups in Corona, NY are involved in creating generic versions of their cultures to support themselves.
Clinical trials are an important part of my practice, and I often engage in discussions with my patients about participating in an appropriate therapy.
While there's less discussion about a «high» after gentler forms of exercise like yoga, anyone who has practiced knows it offers a distinct feeling of bliss.
This practice is among the most powerful nutritional practices I know of (and one that I've used with great success for the better part of a decade)- yet, it is one that I've held close to the chest and been very careful about who I share it with to avoid getting into difficult opinion - fueled discussions and confusing people about what it is we're about at Synchro.
We are having a discussion about fasting and the practice that he is referring to does not fit the definition of fasting in the above article, especially for the main benefits talked such as autophagy and growth hormones.
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