Sentences with phrase «discussion about religious»

Used to provoke discussion about religious equality.
Good for a discussion about religious art to to take older classes through the Easter story in a different way.
It is significant in this regard that most discussion about religious uses of television takes place in print, while the actual practice continues in electronics.
Predictably, he does not approach any aspect of the discussion about religious belief in a balanced way.
Having an academic discussion about religious views and theological beliefs is fine enough, but there is certainly no reason to go into a discussion of who is right an wrong because frankly, you do not know.
Quite frankly any discussion about religious preferences adds to the eventual righteous act of violence in that religion's name.

Not exact matches

«Even if the bills are not implemented, it creates a public discussion about discrimination, and that creates the idea that discrimination is important to religious freedom,» says Marieka Klawitter, a professor of public policy and governance at the University of Washington.
It doesn't matter if you are: religious, homosexual, skin colour, political alignment, etc. everyone is welcome to voice their ideas and nobody has been killed for their beliefs or background, though there have been some serious heated discussions about Bitcoin and altcoins or the regulatory or non-regulatory stance.
There is much that could be said about this, but I will stick with one thing, based on discussion at about the 2 minute mark: When atheists insist that atheism does not drive behavior, and then then campaign on behalf of atheism, ridicule religion and religious believers in the name of atheism, seek to change laws in favor of their atheistic positions, recommend the extermination of religion, and practice falsehoods like Dawkins's in support of atheism, they prove that their atheism drives their behavior and that their premise is false, disingenuous, and (as far as I can tell) useless for anything but giving atheism rhetorical cover from being implicated in atheists» atrocities.
Mr. Kurtz, as is usual in these discussions, makes no complaint about black churches that are much more overtly political, nor about other religious organizations on the left that frequently come much closer to «electioneering.»
Much like John F. Kennedy's run for the presidency prompted a national discussion about religion and Catholicism in the American experiment, Hailemariam's emergence has had an impact on religious discourse in Ethiopia.
I'm not referring to the religious discussions, but to the historical facts about Israel and the ongoing conflicts with the refugees they displaced after World War II.
(8) Evolutionary discussion often betrays a positivistic bias which sees scientific truth as the «real» truth about things, with other forms of truth, including religious truth, relegated to providing only an emotive, valuational and relativistic set of preferences about things.
Ka does engage in genuinely serious discussions about God with one religious high school student.
If you want to get a sneak peek at what the Christian community will be talking about in 5 - 10 years, just spend some time on a Christian college campus.From evolution to religious pluralism to homosexuality, the issues that play out on the national scene often begin in classrooms, late - night dorm room discussions, and chapel services.
After about 983 (A.D. 1575) Akbar began to show unusual interest in religious discussions, largely as a result of association with some of his courtiers who were free - thinkers.
Why has so much attention been given to President Obama's religious affiliation yet no consideration nor discussion has made it to center stage about Mit Romney's religious persuasion Mormonism?
Paramount reached out to National Religious Broadcasters, inviting me to screen it with Phil Cooke and to host a discussion about it at our NRB national convention.
Any way say, Man of God respectable Terry Jones, of Florida's Dove's Church, maybe a day would come that the world and Muslims would thank you for your causing all these discussions to come out today's on this site blogs and many other sites blogs and to it leading to have more people religious discussions leading them read and learn more about Islam and the Quran many who's eyes had opened to reality converted to Islam or at least respect Muslims and their religion.
Health and sex education and home economics texts and curricula avoid any discussion of religious ways of thinking about sexuality, marriage, abortion and homosexuality.
Among Catholics today, and especially in various aging religious orders, there is interminable discussion about the «crisis of declining vocations.»
if you can lie to yourself with immunity, you might be an atheist if you think the indifferent support your side, you might be an atheist if you don't think at all, you might be an atheist if you are drawn to religious discussions thinking someone wants to hear your opinion, you might be an atheist if you copy paste every piece of crap theory you find, you might be an atheist if you think you are right no matter what the evidence shows, you might be an atheist if you can't hold your water when you think about science, you might be an atheist if you can't write the word God, with proper capitalization, you might be an atheist if you think your view has enough support to be a percentage of the seven billion people on earth, you might be an atheist if you think The View has enough support to be a percentage of the seven billion people on earth, you might be an atheist if you live in a tar paper shack, writing manifestos, you might be an atheist if you think you're basically a good person, and your own final authority you might be an atheist if you think your great aunt Tillie was a simian, you might be an atheist if you own an autographed copy of Origin Of The Species, you might be an atheist if you think that when you die you're worm food, you might be an atheist if you think the sun rises and sets for you alone, you might be an atheist if all you can think about is Charles Darwin when you're with your significant other, you might be an atheist if all you can think about is you when you're with your significant other, you might be an atheist if you attend a church but palm the offering plate when it passes, you might be an atheist If think this exhausts all the possibilities of definition, you might be an atheist.
Marty's lengthy discussion of the role of denominations is fascinating — especially his observations (which I find convincing) about the continuing relevance of denominational entities in our reportedly «postdenominational» religious culture.
But before I enter into that discussion, I will say a brief word about where my project leaves me in regard to the whole religious enterprise.
In the Christian Institute for the Study - of Religion and Society there was an open discussion about a proposal that since Christ transcended not only cultures but also religions and ideologies, the fellowship of confessors of faith in Jesus as the Messiah should not separate from their original religious or secular ideological community but should form fellowships of Christian faith in those communities themselves, and that so long as the Law sees baptism as transference from one community to another it should not be made the condition of entry into the fellowship of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper but made a sacramental privilege for a later time (Ref.
But it isn't really going to be relevant in discussions about the truth of religious claims.
Now, could it possibly be that the reason the answer is out of reach is because the bible was written by numerous, imperfect human beings, under the influence of their own religious biases, and all those writings have been complied, hundreds of years later, by men of equal imperfectness and religious biases, so as to render any logical discussion about what the hell was their intention in writing what the wrote, completely implausible?
There has subsequently been much discussion about the nature of mystical or religious experience and many scholars would argue that there are varieties of spiritual experience.
The questions about religion and public life, those calling for «public» discussion, no longer focus on the verifiability of religious speech but concern quite other issues: methods of understanding and describing the religious realities, old and new, that we see appearing around us; useful criteria for assessing these religions and for defining and comprehending this new set of powers in our public life; and ways of protecting vital religious groups from the excesses of the public reaction to them, and protecting the public from the excesses of powerful religious groups — hardly questions a secular culture had thought it would have to take seriously!
Without entering into a religious discussion — keeping our conversation only about archaeology and bones — these conclusions are preposterous.
Much of the critical discussion about Ivan's religious views assumes that this declaration is at the center of his thought.
The objective of this approach is not to present the religious view on a particular subject, but to generate public discussion and debate about significant issues of the day from many different religious perspectives and viewpoints.
Man of God respectable Terry Jones, of Florida's Dove's Church, maybe a day would come that the world and Muslims would thank you for your causing all these discussions to come out today's on this site blogs and many other sites blogs and to it leading to have more people religious discussions leading them read and learn more about Islam and the Quran many who's eyes had opened to reality converted to Islam or at least respect Muslims and their religion.
This discussion leads to some concluding remarks about the relation of religious symbols to universal religion.
Humtake... Pick any religious discussion about God, and atheists will swarm in like a flood to try and say God doesn't exist...
Women and the Church: We had a great discussion a few days ago about Hillary Clinton and the religious right's attitude toward women.
The strife caused by the spread of Calvinism, the attempt of the monarchy to create a royal religion which could not be used to undermine monarchic authority, and the resistance to a coercive and intolerant state all created a place for religious discussion about tyrannicide, contract theory, divine right, and religious tolerance.
Now would you dare publish one similar article on any other religious text so we can have a «healthy» discussion about it?
And in Durkheim, a lifetime of work in which the changing bases of moral community lie at the center culminates in a full - scale discussion of religious myth and ritual, a discussion rich with insights about the ways in which symbolic categories are constructed and how they function.
Part of the difficulty with creating a new understanding of adoption - including the women who chose it, the families who adopt, and the children who are adopted - is combating archaic adoption practices that not only reinforce negative stereotypes, but also do an incredible disservice to what adoption can be - that is, adoption is a legitimate pregnancy option for all women faced with a pregnancy decision, regardless of whether they identify as «pro-life» or «pro-choice,» religious or not, conservative or liberal... In the face of a pregnancy decision, the women who choose adoption feel no more part of the political discussion around it then the women who choose abortion feel about the political rhetoric characterizing their decision.
«The secretary of state acknowledges that clauses 2.43 and 2.44 of the Funding Agreement, and clauses 23E and 23G above do not prevent discussion of beliefs about the origins of the Earth and living things, such as creationism, in Religious Education, as long as it is not presented as a valid alternative to established scientific theory.»
The Perceptions Project held six invitation - only workshops in 2014 and 2015 that brought together scientists and religious leaders for discussion about topics of mutual concern and possible tension.
It was a panel discussion about one of the most significant public health issues on the planet: the world toilet crisis, and how religious leaders can help to fight it.
I am not talking here about the limiting beliefs of religious or political dogma, which for so long have shackled humanity into fear, guilt and disempowerment, and could have their own long discussion.
It focused discussion about the impact of film images on the religious life of black Americans and on their political and social opportunities.
In Bob's classroom, there's a theological discussion (The movie doesn't hide its religious bent, but it doesn't preach, either) about the age - old questions of «why bad things happen to good people» and «why people who work hard don't always succeed.»
It ultimately turns into a discussion about the nature of faith, but it was the first poem he published after his marriage, according to Wikipedia, and gives rare hints about the famous poet's own religious views.
This is politically unsurprising, given how discussions of population growth inflame those fearing control measures, those with religious concerns about contraception and sometimes those seeing underpopulation where others see a problem.
Religious metaphors are already used to frame portions of the debate about geoengineering, a fact suggested by the prominent use of religious metaphors in contemporary discussions about «playing god,» to avoid a «climate apocalypsReligious metaphors are already used to frame portions of the debate about geoengineering, a fact suggested by the prominent use of religious metaphors in contemporary discussions about «playing god,» to avoid a «climate apocalypsreligious metaphors in contemporary discussions about «playing god,» to avoid a «climate apocalypse.»
And please, leave it out of discussions that already are all about science and politics and «religious» thinking (as a bad thing).
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