Sentences with phrase «discussion about the morality»

We don't get any substantive discussion about the morality of drone strikes (somewhat odd, given Jessica's reason for leaving the service), or of the need for oversight of big banks, or really anything at all related to military or corporate interests.
Often, arguments about excessive profits lead on to discussion about the morality of BVC providers taking money from people who will almost certainly never win a pupillage.

Not exact matches

about your comment on being void because of the trinity... and the discussion of morality is interesting.
Regardless, my initial sentence is about the discussion on morality, where you started again from scratch with on atheism as if we hadn't been discussing anything for the past hour or so.
I think there's a separate discussion to be had about morality, what «should» be done under the circumstances, rather than what people are forced into.
19:3 - 12) Jesus opens his teachings about life in the kingdom of heaven with a discussion of personal morality as it relates to sex and the use of one's sexual endowments.
Feigning a discussion about objective vs. subjective morality without qualifying values in the example in an attempt to get the casual reader to focus on the value the crafty writer wants you to adopt a an absolute truth — in this case how bad it would be to BBQ your grandmother, so that he can claim the the reader believes in objective «truths».
A discussion came up in / r / cringepics about the morality and ethics about a highschool teacher dating an ex student.
Topics of the Channel: Morality, Discussions about spiritual aspects, Culture and music, Vegetarian and vegetarian - vegan cooking classes, and Program for children.
The film is about morality, religion and war with a blend of action and philosophical discussion while hunting down the bad guys.
They have deep discussions about black holes, galaxies, Shakespeare, the morality of time travel, etc..
A «hastily thrown together» panel on the last day of the Con made for some lively discussion about the realities and moralities of pirated comics.
And just so you know, philosophical discussions about cats in particular and how they fit with our current understanding of morality and ethics are really just beginning.
Now, do you suppose that the person in history who actually told this tale, who clearly was not an SS officer (he merely asked the other guy to imagine him as one, as I did here), and who told it well after WWII to a non Jew, while in a discussion about relative morality, «had serious psychological problems»?
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