Sentences with phrase «discussions on certain topics»

A great way to stay in the loop with discussions on certain topics, setup some Keyword Alerts.

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I won't attempt to summarize the ongoing discussion at this point; with biotechnology, it is difficult to draw a circle around certain topics and say «we're going to focus on this, but not this» and today was a good example.
But life goes on in Blackwell Academy and a certain viral video has become a major topic of discussion.
But life goes on in Blackwell Academy and a certain viral video has become a serious topic of discussion.
Morgan has written a letter to members of the Teacher and Head teacher Union Rountable saying that the Department for Education (DfE) wants to: continue to listen carefully to the arguments that unions are making; move forward in a constructive way and continue discussions on the issues the unions have raised with her; and have a conversation about a new series of talks to allow greater depth on certain topics (i.e. pay, conditions, workload and qualifications).
The discussion was a refreshingly candid take on what drives innovation in the legal services market, complete with calls of BS on certain overhyped topics and a candid appraisal of how difficult it can be innovate at large, established, risk - averse law firms.
Earlier this week, an American court issued a decision on a topic that is all but certain to come up for discussion in the weeks after October 19: the ballot selfie, and the attempts ban it.
This is quite handy for looking up discussion on legal topics with a U.S. perspective, especially if your library does not have U.S. materials in a certain area.
By the same sense, when you want to read discussions about certain topics you come across on the internet, there's no better place than Reddit.
Be certain you have specific goals in mind for the discussion, separating each issue and staying on topic.
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