Sentences with phrase «disease advocacy»

Erlich, who is giving an update on the effort this week at the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in Vancouver, Canada, told ScienceInsider that although it's far short of even 1 million, he feels the project is on track and ready to move into new territory, such as working with disease advocacy groups.
Dr. De Vivo emphasized that in developing drugs for orphan diseases such as SMA, collaborative programs are a must, and that «strong relationships with disease advocacy foundations are absolutely key.»
The Blumberg Institute was established in 2003 as the research arm of the Hepatitis B Foundation, the nation's leading nonprofit research and disease advocacy organization solely dedicated to the global problem of hepatitis B.
Last week, two of that article's authors — former Science Editor - in - Chief Bruce Alberts and former Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman — joined 25 other prominent figures from academe, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), scholarly organizations, industry, and disease advocacy groups here to work on initiatives to help improve the situation.
Written by 25 authors, it described the collaboration between government, academic researchers, and disease advocacy groups that led to the ICV trial as a model of the teamwork that can speed drugs through early development, boosting their chances of being commercialized.
It brings together over 300 leading institutions working in healthcare, research, disease advocacy, life science, and information technology.
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