Sentences with phrase «disease affects cats»

Thyroid disease affects cats and dogs differently.
As mentioned in a previous blog post, the way in which heartworm disease affects cats is very different from dogs.
Although periodontal disease affects cats and dogs equally, there is stronger evidence supporting a link between periodontitis and some major health problems in canines, including heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and various infections.
Heartworm disease affects cats differently, as they are not the target species.
Veterinary health specialists and researchers have not only learned more about the diseases affecting cats and dogs but they have also made advances in treatment options.
Arthritis is a common disease affecting cats and dogs, especially large breed dogs and senior pets, and can greatly affect their quality of life.
An example of a disease affecting cats and dogs differently is osteoarthritis.
As your veterinarian works to identify and treat the primary disease affecting your cat, with blood work, radiographs (x-rays), ultrasound, etc., nutritional support will drastically improve the chances that your cat will have a positive outcome.

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The open - access, cloud - based 99 Lives database will be used to research both feline diseases and some human ailments, including diabetes, which affects cats similarly — and for which we share risk factors such as a sedentary lifestyle.
As the disease progresses, renal failure lessens the production of erythropoietin causing affected cats to be anaemic.
Cats affected with anal sac disease may lick the anal area, scoot or drag their bottom along the floor, bite their tails, or have difficulty with defecation or sitting.
Also, will this disease affect the longevity of my cat's life?
These symptoms can develop into illnesses such as urinary tract diseases in cats and Cushing's Disease in dogs as their immune systems are affected.
Warning signs that this disease is affecting your cat include: severe weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, severe depression, problems with motor function, coma, and even death.
Mosquitoes transmit heartworm disease, which affects both dogs and cats.
Cats with certain health conditions, particularly those affecting the urinary tract (eg cystitis or kidney disease) may benefit from being encouraged to drink more.
Feline heartworm disease differs from the canine version in that in cats it affects primarily the lungs and, to a lesser extent, other soft tissues and thus is not really a «heart» disease.
Staying on top of your cat's dental health is important to your cat's overall health, as untreated dental disease not only causes pain, it can also affect other organ systems.
Feline distemper is a serious disease that affects domestic cats as well as wild ones.
It is important for cat owners to be aware of a stealthy disease that may affect as much as 15 to 20 % of all cats.
Most diseases that affect cats can not be transmitted to humans.
Heart disease is one of the more common problems in the cat, and can affect cats of all ages.
Furthermore, a healthy cat who lives the majority of its life indoors, especially one that has been neutered, will most likely age later than one which has been affected by disease or environmental problems early in life.
Most of the allergic disease that occurs in dogs and cats affects the skin.
The disease mainly affects outdoor cats.
Cat flu is a term that encompasses a wide range of infectious cat diseases that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract of caCat flu is a term that encompasses a wide range of infectious cat diseases that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract of cacat diseases that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract of cats.
However, ticks carry other diseases that affect cats, making prevention important.
They are likely to be concerned and have questions about how the disease may affect their dog or cat.
Heart disease affects some 10 % of dogs and perhaps 15 % of cats.
Most Of Time Feline Distemper Or Panleukopenia As It Is Known More Accurately Is Kitten Disease That Does Not Affect Older Cats Who Were Vaccinated As Youngsters.
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, affects a staggering 1 out of 5 adult dogs and cats!
For cats, these include: * Heart disease affects all types of cats, including domestic shorthair and longhair cats.
Cavaliers are commonly affected by a condition called eosinophilic stomatitis, which often manifests on the soft palate.1 This inflammatory condition is similar to eosinophilic granulomas in cats, but histologically, the disease in Cavaliers often lacks granuloma formation.
In reality, heartworm disease can also affect cats, although less frequently.
This is a disease that affects older cats, where an excess of thyroid hormone is being released from the thyroid gland.
If your cat is more than 10 years old, there's a good chance he has developed hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), one of the most common endocrine diseases affecting older cats.
Kittens are particularly affected, but this disease can be dangerous in any unprotected cat, as effective treatment is limited.
And dental disease is at epic proportions, affecting over 70 percent of dogs and cats before the age of two.
Arthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease) is one of the most common diseases affecting dogs and cats of all ages.
It is required by law that all cats, dogs, and ferrets are vaccinated for this disease, as it is easily transmitted through bites and contact with body fluids of affected animals.
Ringworm most typically affects young cats, long haired cats, or cats that have had some type of a previous skin disease.
This affects primarily older cats, but in some cases can affect younger cats as a result of disease or obesity.
Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is the most common dental disease affecting dogs and cats.
When the disease affects young cats and kittens they often loose their appetite and become depressed.
Taking one step back, FIP is a fatal disease most often affecting kittens (though cats of any age can get this disease).
Also, unless affected dogs live with cats and are exposed to cat litter, that doesn't account for the disease in dogs.
Rabies is a viral disease that can affect all warm - blooded mammals, including dogs, cats, wildlife and humans.
At The Drake Center, we know that periodontal disease affects nearly 85 percent of all cats and dogs over three years of age.
Translating Veterinary Medicine to Human Medicine While there is no cure for oral lichen planus to date, there is hope — in the form of a novel treatment for a similar disease that affects cats.
Demodectic mange is a skin disease that affects both cats and dogs.
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