Sentences with phrase «disease causation»

The phrase "disease causation" refers to understanding and determining the reasons or factors that cause a disease to occur in a person's body. It involves studying and identifying what specific things, such as infections, genetics, lifestyle choices, or environmental factors, contribute to the development of a particular illness or condition. Full definition
In medicine, this gives us multiple opportunities to interrupt a chain of disease causation.
The authors assert their belief that the current age of genomics will provide great benefits to human health «Ours is not a call to gut existing research or too - rigidly tie funding to degree of disease burden... The pursuit of our common goal — improved human health — demands that we take a hard look at disease causation and order our priorities accordingly.»
A pioneer in the field of applied medical anthropology, Sydney, along with his wife and co-author, Soma Grismaijer have written numerous groundbreaking books that provide new theories, research, and revelations on disease causation and prevention, including the internationally acclaimed book, Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras.
Definition of Stress by Merriam - Webster: Stress is «a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation» and «tend to alter an...
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