Sentences with phrase «disease changes»

The authors also looked at how the risk of heart disease changed for each successive year of marriage.
While not all dogs suffering from periodontal disease change feeding habits, changes can be an indication of trouble.
Here's how heart disease changed his life, and what experts recommend to stay healthy.
Keep in mind that if your baby has been ill recently, his iron levels may be temporarily low due to the illness (see Hoffman, Ronald, et al. «Chapter 154: Hematologic Manifestations of Childhood Illness: Infectious Disease Changes in Red Blood Cells: Anemia of Acute Infections.»
Having Celiac Disease changed my life in every possible way.
You felt in control of your health You had more energy You felt empowered because you had support to help you make the changes your doctor prescribed You were treated like a whole person, not a disease
«If we could really describe how diseases change molecules in specific cells within the living brain, it might enable better drug targets to be found.»
People who die with plaques and tangles in their brain but no signs of dementia may have changed the shape of connections between neurons to withstand the disease
Using cell models and genetically engineered mice, the authors then could reproduce kidney disease changes upon expression of APOL1 gene variants, but the disease required the presence suPAR.
In aggregate, we found that for every change in height of 6.5 cm (approx. 2.5 inches) caused by these variants the risk of coronary heart disease changed on average by 13.5 %.
Changes in children's gut microbes could signal the onset of type - 1 diabetes, but engineered probiotic bacteria could help treat the disease
I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, so I have no doubt that being diagnosed with Lyme disease changed my life for the better.
Moore Blatch Resolve, Senior Solicitor, Michael Osborne says mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases change the lives of victims and their families forever, but thanks to changes in the law more sufferers can claim compensation to help with the consequences of illness.
Having Celiac Disease changed my life in every possible way.
When charismatic Italian politician Umberto Bossi (pictured above) suffered a severe stroke in 2004, the disease changed his voice, and, strangely enough, his public image.
When a disease changes from just something that's going around to a true epidemic, there's usually a tipping point, Lum explains.
They are knocking down each gene for a determined period of time to see how the disease changes in the absence of those genes.
However, there's some evidence for very gradual evolution interspersed with crises, so in theory there may be plenty of time to intervene before the disease changes from being relatively benign into something dangerously aggressive.»
In theory there may be plenty of time to intervene before the disease changes from being relatively benign into something dangerously aggressive.
I was (and am) determined to not let this disease change my life, so I began a personal journey toward regaining control of my health.
Related discoveries have influenced global trade policies, important today as the ecology of the disease changes and challenges the agricultural industry.
A disease changes in severity, type of animal that can be infected, or changes in pathogen behavior; or
Factors that determine whether a disease changes distribution include: importation from international travel of people, vectors or hosts (insects, agricultural products), changes in vector or host susceptibility, drug resistance, and environmental changes, such as land use change or climate change.
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