Sentences with phrase «disease events»

The number of missing teeth was recorded at a baseline and information on incident disease events and deaths was obtained via national registers in a 13 y follow - up.
Cardiovascular function was assessed by diastolic and systolic BP, the latter of which is strongly related to vascular and other chronic disease events across the life course (33).
The pair realised they could spot disease events earlier with a smart web crawler dedicated to spotting reports of outbreaks.
«Clearer vision of what's inside a tumor and what's going on in there: Researchers combine powerful imaging and metabolic analysis techniques to record disease events in high resolution.»
Over 20 years of follow - up, 1,329 total cardiovascular disease events occurred and 223 women died due to cardiovascular disease.
«Now that we have baseline indices of plaque in the study patients, we can look for people who, despite optimal management, experience a cardiovascular disease event like a heart attack,» Dr. Bluemke noted.
These govern international disease events, including pandemics.
Sea star wasting disease is the largest marine disease event ever seen.
Although Aboriginal people are three times more likely to have an ischaemic heart disease event compared with other Australians, the study found they have lower rates of coronary artery procedures.
More than five missing teeth increased the risk for coronary heart disease events and myocardial infarctions as much as 140 %.
The study, which is published in Human Reproduction, one of the world's leading reproductive medicine journals, looked at 51,450 women who had agreed to take part in nine studies in the UK, Scandinavia, Australia and Japan that contribute to the Life course Approach to reproductive health and Chronic disease Events (InterLACE) international collaboration.
Here is the remarkable thing: It's estimated that approximately 80 % of cardiovascular disease events can be prevented by healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy body weight, not smoking, controlling blood pressure, controlling diabetes, and maintaining recommended cholesterol levels.
Matthews and colleagues anticipate that both bullies and their victims may be at greater risk for poor physical health, including cardiovascular - disease events, over the long term.
Study Highlights: For teens with severe obesity, the predicted 30 - year risk of having a heart disease event, such as a heart attack or stroke, could be cut in half one year after bariatric surgery, according to a modeling study.
Of those, 27 percent were diagnosed within a year of their heart event, 24 percent between one and three years after, nearly 15 percent between three and five years after, and nearly 37 percent at least five years after a baseline heart disease event.
A = randomized controlled trials show that replacement of saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid lowers serum total cholesterol and LDL; B = intermediate endpoints related to serum cholesterol are robustly associated with risk of coronary heart disease events and deaths in observational studies; C = randomized controlled trials have tested whether replacement of saturated fat with linoleic acid reduces coronary heart disease events or deaths; none have shown significant benefit
Conclusion: «Available data suggest that simply increasing the amount of circulating high density lipoprotein cholesterol does not reduce the risk of coronary heart disease events, coronary heart disease deaths, or total deaths.
From their examination of epidemiological studies, they found that saturated fatty acid intake was not significantly correlated with coronary heart disease events or mortality (FAO / WHO, 2009).
they found that saturated fatty acid intake was not significantly correlated with coronary heart disease events or mortality
To date, no trial has tested the effects of increased fruit and vegetable on clinical CVD outcomes (i.e., coronary heart disease events, stroke).
Clinical details of all possible ischaemic heart disease events, including electrocardiogram (ECG) and appropriate enzyme levels were evaluated against standard diagnostic criteria, and details of possible stroke symptoms together with computerized tomography (CT) scans were evaluated by two expert observers against standard diagnostic criteria.
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