Sentences with phrase «disease is painful»

Dental disease is painful, but most pets continue to eat a...
Dental disease is painful and can lead to infection in the internal organs, such as the kidneys and heart.
Legg - Perthes disease is a painful condition affecting the hip joints of mainly young, small breeds of dogs.
A: Periodontal disease is both painful and preventable.
Dental disease is painful.
In addition, dental disease is painful for your pup.
Vets encourage dental cleaning because dental disease is painful for your dog.
The disease is painful if not treated.
The treatment for heartworm disease is painful and potentially dangerous.
Besides the unpleasant odor, oral disease is painful and can lead to disease in other parts of the body such as the liver, kidneys and heart.
Periodontal disease is both painful and preventable.
Dental disease is painful and very serious as bacteria can travel from the gums into the bloodstream to vital organs.
Dental disease is painful for pets just as it is for people; however, pets are often better at hiding their pain than people are.
Periodontal disease is a painful disease!
Dental disease is painful and puts pets at risk for further infection in the oral cavity and rest of the body.
Fibrocystic breast disease is a painful disease for women, causing sore breast tissue, lumps and swelling during menstruation.
Crohn's disease is a painful, medically incurable illness that may attack anywhere along the digestive system.
Sever's disease is a painful bone disorder resulting from inflammation in the growth plate (an area of growing tissue at the end of a developing bone) in the heel.
One of the characteristic signs of hand, foot, and mouth disease are painful red blisters on the inside of the baby's cheek.
Dental diseases are painful and often associated with infection.

Not exact matches

Precisely: AIDS is a behavior - linked disease, and the particular behavior is extraordinarily painful for many Christians to confront.
There are some really screwed up, horribly painful and or stressful diseases and disorders out there, and I find it unsettling that a possible presidential candidate is worshiping this disturbing idea of god.
if floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, cancers and all manner of painful and deadly diseases doesn't convince you that there is no «heavenly father» looking out for us, i guess nothing will.
Fear, on the other hand, is a dry nurse for the child: it has no milk; a bloodless corrector for the youth: it has no beckoning encouragement; a niggardly disease for the adult: it has no blessing; a horror for the aged: when fear has to admit that the long painful time of schooling did not bring Eternal Blessedness.
Maybe it's because I'm no stranger to pain, riddled with a painful disease since I was a child.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
Have I shaved years off my life or put myself at risk of a painful, deadly disease simply by eating food that tastes good and is as universal and all - American as a Sunday family get - together?
Sex may be painful due to reproductive diseases, like endometriosis.
The risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), an excruciatingly painful bowel disease that is the number two cause of death for preemies, is reduced by 77 % with exclusive breastfeeding.
As I researched, I learned about necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which is an excruciatingly painful bowel disease that causes parts of the intestines to die.
And hand, foot and mouth disease is extremely painful, but has to heal on it's own..
He had one of the most painful diseases known to medicine, epidermolysis bullosa (EB), but was defiantly happy.
It's become an annual tradition: the loved ones of New Yorkers who died from painful, terminal illnesses come to the state Capitol to push for a law authorizing people with fatal diseases to seek life - ending medication from a doctor.
«This is a big step forward for early - stage detection of arthritis that will help start treatment early and prevent painful and debilitating disease
A painful mosquito - borne disease is spotted in the Western Hemisphere for first time, boosting U.S. risk
«This study demonstrates that the road to a mitochondrial disease diagnosis is typically long and hard, involving visits to numerous clinical specialists, conflicting diagnoses, and repeated and sometimes painful and invasive testing,» says Michio Hirano, MD, the paper's senior clinical author and chief of the Neuromuscular Division at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
This disorder, also known as tic douloureux («painful tic» in French), can be so devastatingly painful that some call it «suicide disease
WASHINGTON — A tiny island off Vietnam may soon be the first place on Earth where people are completely shielded from dengue, a potentially lethal viral disease that causes painful fevers.
Image courtesy of iStockphoto / adventtr More than 382,000 people with kidney disease in the U.S. are on dialysis, a painful procedure that can wreak havoc on blood vessels due to constant jabs from large needles.
Alan Flake at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in Pennsylvania is planning a similar clinical trial of maternal stem cells in fetuses with sickle cell anemia, a painful, debilitating disease that often shortens life.
Endometriosis is a chronic, often painful disease affecting up to 10 percent of women of reproductive age in the U.S..
Leprosy has been hiding out in red squirrels in Great Britain and Ireland, though the painful and disfiguring disease has rarely been transmitted between humans there since the Middle Ages.
Osteoarthritis is a painful disease affecting millions of people.
He notes that the mummy's teeth are surrounded by pitted bone — evidence of painful gum disease, probably the result of a diet rich in meat and dairy but lacking in fruits and vegetables.
It's well - known that these two molecules play an important role in causing the painful rashes that are characteristic of the disease, but Claire Q. Wang, a research associate in James Krueger's Laboratory of Investigative Dermatology, wanted to see if IL - 17 and TNF might also have something to do with the dark spots that psoriasis leaves behind.
Chimpanzees are popular subjects for AIDS research (even though their immune system rarely succumbs to the virus) and are used in painful cancer and psychological tests, as well as for research on blood diseases and organ transplants.
As the disease progresses, painful erosions and blisters form within the corneal layers and the ability to focus sharply is permanently lost.
«I am a geneticist but I am also a veterinarian and having the ability to eliminate a disease as painful and debilitating as IVDD is the most satisfying result of my scientific career,» Bannasch said.
She said: «The relative lack of understanding around how cartilage was directed presented an unfortunate knowledge gap because there are many painful, debilitating diseases that affect joints — like osteoarthritis — and because we also often injure our joints, which leads to them losing this protective cartilage cover.»
An added benefit is that MenAfriVac ® also boosts protective immune responses to tetanus, a painful bacterial disease that can cause involuntary muscle tightening and spasms sometimes strong enough to fracture bones and even cause death.
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