Sentences with phrase «disease networks»

Lastly, disease network analysis offers a unique method for identifying therapeutic targets or combinations of targets that can alter disease expression.
We studied how other disease networks were structured, how they brought together scientists, clinicians, patients and disease foundations, and how they developed new investigators.
This project started as a necessity for the Model Organism Screening Center for the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Baylor, but as it grew, the group began reaching out to researchers in different disciplines for feedback on how MARRVEL might benefit them.
The PHPN uses information in human disease networks in conjunction with network science tools to show clusters of related disorders sharing common genetic backgrounds.
Its pioneering approach provides an overview on a comprehensive rare diseases network for researchers, clinicians and bioinformatics developers.
According to the Canine Genetic Disease Network, This test identifies dogs that are normal, those who are carriers, and those who are at much higher risk for developing DM.
When a group of researchers in the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Baylor College of Medicine realized they were spending days combing through databases searching for information regarding gene variants, they decided to do something about it.
The researchers then collaborated with many groups in the U.S. and Europe — including the European Huntington Disease Network — to form the Genetic Modifiers of HD (GeM - HD) consortium, which ran a third GWA analysis of another 2,131 patients, bringing the total number of participants to 4,082.
Nearly all off the centers surveyed have also volunteered to participate in a U.S. Highly Infectious Disease Network to continue to advance this field through peer review and consensus efforts to further develop the national capacity for high - level isolation care.
Generation of receptor - based therapeutic strategies to regulate pathological disease networks.
(A) Theoretical human disease network illustrating the relationships among genetic and environmental determinants of the pathophenotypes.
Here's our roundup of all the science presented at the 2016 European Huntington's Disease Network biennial meeting - one of the biggest meetings of Huntingtons Disease families, scientists and care professionals.
The CSL is currently participating in the NIH's Undiagnosed Disease Network as a sequencing core.
The meeting is open to a wide range of INFRAFRONTIER stakeholders including Personalised Medicine initiatives, Rare Disease networks, funders, regulators and the INFRAFRONTIER user community to discuss advances in CRISPR / Cas9 technology to model human conditions.
Fourth, disease network analysis ultimately provides a mechanistic basis for defining phenotypic differences among individuals with the same disease through consideration of unique genetic and environmental factors that govern intermediate phenotypes contributing to disease expression.
Numerous pilot programs, like the NIH's Undiagnosed Disease Network, are using exome sequencing to cases like these.
Although the research focused primarily on NPP in analyzing social networks, the researchers believe it also has the potential to be applied in biological networks, disease networks, protein interaction networks, food networks and transportation networks.
Thurner hopes his disease networks can eventually help uncover some of these flaws.
Stakeholders from Personalised Medicine Initiatives, Rare Disease networks, Funders, Regulators and the INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC user communities
The HudsonAlpha Clinical Services Lab, in collaboration with Illumina, serves as the whole genome sequencing core for the Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN), a National Institutes of Health - funded study to diagnosed rare and new diseases through the use of genomics and other advanced technologies.
Disease networks.
The Canine Genetic Disease Network is an excellent resource for both veterinarians and clients: it provides a summary of the disease, a link to the OFA website for sample submission, guidelines on which dogs are eligible for free testing, and information for breeders.
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