Sentences with phrase «disease occurrence»

More weight is given to the prospective studies since diet intake is assessed prior to rather than after disease occurrence.
Track data on environmental conditions, disease risks, and disease occurrence related to climate change.
Collectively these studies, which have included green sea turtles, polar bears and monkeys, bring weight to the «hygiene hypothesis,» which theorizes that reduced exposure to microbes is contributing to the increase in autoimmune and allergic disease occurrence in Westernized nations.
«If we could identify the dysbiosis in an early stage, and we knew the causative factors,» she says, «we could prevent disease occurrence by bringing about lifestyle changes.»
The majority of studies observe that habitual tea drinkers, whether it be green or black, who consumed two cups or more a day, have less stroke incidences, less heart disease occurrences and, lower overall and LDL («bad») cholesterol.
Disease occurrence according to these patterns was studied.
The RR can not be estimated when disease occurrence is zero in one comparison group, as in the intact females.
Future climate change in Europe will facilitate a spread of LB into higher latitudes and altitudes, contributing to increased disease occurrence in endemic areas, while LB will disappear in areas that will become too hot and dry for tick survival.
Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the researchers analyzed data collected across 30 years to understand the association of maternal age with time of disease occurrence and mother's date of birth on rates of pre-eclampsia.
«This report provides evidence for the relevance of ALDH inhibition in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis, identifies pesticides that should be avoided to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and suggests that therapies modulating ALDH enzyme activity or otherwise eliminating toxic aldehydes should be developed and tested to potentially reduce Parkinson's disease occurrence or slow its progression particularly for patients exposed to pesticides,» the study states.
Adult enteral nutrition is not as successful because it is thought there is less diet compliance and diagnosed cases are not «new» disease occurrence and by this, I surmise they mean more gut damage.
This chronic carrier state is what allows anaplasmosis to persist in cow herd in endemic regions and partially explains the unpredictable nature of the disease occurrence.
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