Sentences with phrase «disease of the immune system»

Under our current medical system, autoimmune diseases are not recognized as diseases of the immune system as a whole; rather, they are treated as diseases of particular organs.
Yet, as cancer is a complicated disease of the immune system involving excessive growth of cells having altered DNA, the origins of the disease never have singular nor finite cause.
Yet, as cancer is a complicated disease of the immune system involving excessive growth of cells that have altered DNA, the origins of the disease never have a singular or finite cause.
I researched further, and found potential links between vaccinations and several life - threatening diseases of the immune system.
Although gene therapy has since proved successful against rare diseases of the immune system and shown promise against AIDS (see «Genetic treatment closes door on HIV»), it has proved much harder to use it to treat CF.
These are skills that we implement for other international trials of gene therapy for rare genetic diseases of the immune system, blood, muscle, vision or liver... We will continue the current study with the objective of providing treatment for patients.»
BioBright, a firm dedicated to creating the smart laboratory of the future, has announced a collaboration with the Wellcome Sanger Institute that could lead to the faster development of drugs for diseases of the immune system like rheumatoid arthritis.
The researchers now want to collect DNA, provided in a one milliliter blood sample, from more dogs with diseases of the immune system.
The discoveries have led to insights into understanding the development of certain cancers and diseases of the immune system such as AIDS and rheumatoid arthritis.
«The practice of the Wim Hof Method may lead to tonic changes in autonomous brain mechanisms, a speculation that has implications for managing medical conditions ranging from diseases of the immune system to more intriguingly psychiatric conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders,» said Diwadkar, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences.
Furthermore, the BioVacSafe team will probe how natural illnesses and infections, particularly diseases of the immune system, interact with vaccines.
CLAD - Canine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency - an autosomal recessive disease of the immune system that causes severe and fatal infections in young pups, so far recognized only in the Irish Setter.
Dogs with health problems precluding vaccination such as diseases of the immune system, cancer, certain infections, or extreme old age should be vaccinated with caution.
Since this amoeba possesses an innate defense system similar to that of humans, while being genetically modifiable, the researchers can therefore carry out experiments on it in order to understand and fight genetic diseases of the immune system.
The multi-year agreement with UCSD facilitates joint faculty appointments, enhances the range and depth of collaboration between the two organizations, and promotes closer integration between basic immunology research and clinical medicine to speed the development of treatments for diseases of the immune system.
«New gene therapy success in a rare disease of the immune system
JIA is a disease of the immune system that causes inflammation leading to pain, stiffness and swelling in patients» joints.
Autoimmune disease is a disease of the immune system.
Dr. Keith Scott - Mumby stated, «Many people, I'm one of them, see cancer as basically a disease of the immune system.
The rescue site reports that dry eyes have several possible causes, including infection, hypothyroidism and diseases of the immune system.
Why did the flea and tick products that we sold to our clients (and were assured were safe) get taken off the market following studies showing links to cancer and diseases of the immune system?
In older adult pets, diseases of the immune system and bone marrow that cause blood loss due to loss of clotting ability (thrombocytopenias), destroy red blood cells directly (autoimmune hemolytic anemias) or prevent their formation (aplastic anemias) are a less common but significant cause.
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