Sentences with phrase «disease remission»

"Disease remission" means that a person with a disease is experiencing a period of time when their symptoms are not active or getting worse. It is a sign that the disease is under control or temporarily gone. Full definition
Outcomes were measured by the level or severity of depressive symptoms or the incidence of disease remission at the end of the intervention.
«To date, CAR T - cell trials have thus far shown the highest rate of complete and minimal residual disease remission rates of any other agent,» explained Bijal Shah, MD, of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, during the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Annual Conference, held March 22 — 24 in Orlando, Florida.
In our practice, we have seen success and even complete disease remission in those with autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, eosinophilic esophagitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and inflammatory bowel disease among others!
If you have celiac disease or wheat / gluten sensitivity, going on a gluten - free diet may lower or even eliminate your thyroid antibodies and cause an autoimmune thyroid disease remission.
After disease remission, medications are tapered but never discontinued.
Unfortunately, cats with neurological disease associated with FIP did not respond as well to the drug and did not achieve disease remission.
In a meta - analysis of hundreds of clinical trials involving thousands of patients, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that therapeutic approaches using precision medicine, which emphasizes the use of individual genetics to refine cancer treatment, showed improved response and longer periods of disease remission, even in phase I trials.
At the time of publication, seven cats were still in disease remission, a positive step forward for a historically untreatable disease.
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