Sentences with phrase «disfavoured by»

The researchers have shown that the possibility that these objects constitute all of the dark matter in the galaxy is strongly disfavoured by the lack of bright sources observed at the galactic center.
In this case the tactic maintained some proportionality by bypassing the 5 % threshold, but is largely disfavoured by the public due to it awarding smaller parties extra list seats while parties with a higher party vote percentage that don't win an electorate receive no seats; this occurred in 2008 when ACT was awarded 5 seats on the back of one electorate seat and 3.7 % of the party vote, while New Zealand First with no electorate seats and 4.1 % of the party vote were awarded none.
CREA's senior legal counsel is involved, using phrases like «not prudent conduct» and «looked upon by disfavour by the Competition Bureau» and the lawyers» favourite, «difficult to opine in short order.»

Not exact matches

10) demanding any form of conduct or observance which makes it difficult or impossible for adherents (particularly children) to take part in lawful activities which are commonly enjoyed in British society, and punishing or attempting to punish adherents for failing to comply with such a demand, particularly by putting them in fear of supernatural disfavour.
How any society tolerates disfavoured notions reflects where we are at in progressing forward, and by firing him, Google are acknowledging that women are just as capable as men, and staying true to their values... or did Google buckle under the pressure that Damore expressed arguably sexist views, so out of fear of public retaliation, they chose to fire him and avoid a negative backlash on their business?
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