Sentences with phrase «disguised as a nun»

Two women are on the run from the FBI after they disguised themselves as nuns and attempted to rob a...
Authorities in Nigeria are warning that bombers could try to disguise themselves as nuns to avoid de... More
Suddenly, passengers disguised as a nun, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk reveal themselves as armed terrorists, hi jacking the plane to Cuba.
Disguising themselves as nuns and painters, the two friends carry out hits with relative precision against the hardened hoods that share their profession.
It all adds up to an engaging, rib - tickling and warm - hearted charmer that's won us over long before Grant, hilarious game throughout, turns up at St Paul's disguised as a nun.
Outside the room is a completely different story as a group of assassins, disguised as nuns no less, are about to blow the motel to kingdom come.

Not exact matches

King's humor and absurdist instincts are winning, from a Mr. Bean - by - way - of - digital - effects scene that finds Paddington taking a disastrous part - time job as a barber's assistant to the various shenanigans of the villain, Buchanan, who scours the city for treasure disguised in his old theater costumes, leading Paddington's friends to pin the crimes on a purported gang that includes a nun, a medieval knight, and the Great Expectations character Abel Magwitch.
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