Sentences with phrase «disinterested advice»

They must show that Dr. Brown (the client) entered into the transaction, not through the operation of any acts on the part of Holmes (the fiduciary), but «after full and sufficient deliberation, and with all the information which it was material for him to have in order to guide his conduct; and that he had either independent and disinterested advice, or as ample protection as such advice could have given him.
We also think it safe to say that someone who encourages another to become a prostitute is seldom giving disinterested advice about a possible career path.
The New York Attorney General previously criticized lender - operated call centers in his April 25, 2007 testimony before the US House of Representatives Education and Labor Committee: «The student calling or emails their questions rightfully expected to receive disinterested advice and information regarding lenders.

Not exact matches

So can we please agree that you stop misleading the public when you keep writing that our «incestuous» conduct as Ministers makes it impossible for the President to rely on us for «disinterested» advice.
Women who stayed home and made pies every afternoon and were disinterested in voting, women who headed Edith Roosevelt's advice that «a woman's name should appear in print but twice — when she is married and when she is buried.»
It is advisable to ask for expert advice and get a professional Scope of Loss prepared by a disinterested party.
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