Sentences with phrase «disk around the nearby star»

His calculations were the first to demonstrate that debris disks around the nearby stars Vega and β Pictoris are newly - formed planetary systems containing planets at least as large as Pluto and Mars.
The MIPS instrument team has documented the incidence, properties, and evolution of planetary debris disks around nearby stars.

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He and his colleagues have conducted long - term studies of the dust disks around old stars and the changes in aged red giants such as Betelgeuse, and are preparing the telescopes to look for possible infrared laser signals from newly discovered planets circling nearby stars, in search of extraterrestrial civilizations.
According to the space agency, astronomers exploring a disk of gas and dust around a nearby star uncovered a compact cloud of poisonous gas formed by constant collisions among the comet - like bodies.
The keen vision of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has detected a mysterious gap in a vast protoplanetary disk of gas and dust swirling around the nearby star TW Hydrae, located 176 light - years away in the constellation Hydra (the Sea Serpent).
Abstract: We have developed a self - consistent model of the disk around the nearby 10 Myr old star TW Hya which matches the observed spectral energy distribution and 7 mm images of the disk.
Our Herschel Open Time Key Programme DUNES aims at detecting and characterizing debris disks around nearby, sun - like stars.
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