Sentences with phrase «disk confocal»

A spinning disk confocal is available for time - lapse imaging of live samples.
The spinning disk confocal optical system acquires images up to 200 frames per second, capturing fast intracellular dynamics within live specimens.
Traditionally, this type of sample is imaged with a parallelized confocal technique such as spinning disk confocal.
Unlike laser scanning confocal microscopes (LSM) which scan one point of laser light across an entire field, a spinning disk confocal scans approximately 1,000 points of laser light across the field simultaneously resulting in much faster image production.
This significant speed difference combined with the superior sensitivity of high end CCDs has made spinning disk confocal a must have technology for advanced live cell imaging labs.
The 3D reconstruction over time of the forming blood clot was captured with multiple fluorescent probes using VIVO, both wide field deconvolution and Spinning Disk Confocal.
Combined with spinning disk confocal, TIRF, FLIM and photomanipulation, Marianas LightSheet is a powerful live - cell imaging workstation.
Advanced Imaging Systems • Illumination Systems • Emission Systems • Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy • Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF) • Light Sheet Imaging • Optogenetics
Photobleaching and phototoxicity are typically reduced by one to two orders of magnitude relative to that seen with a 1D scanned Bessel beam or the point array scanned excitation of spinning disk confocal microscopy.
Specifically, the MPI / Wyss Institute team developed the technique for «Spinning Disk Confocal» (SDC) microscopes that detect fluorescence signals from an entire plane all at once by sensing them through a rotating disc with multiple pinholes.

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CrestOptics is a Manufacturing Company with the mission to develop advanced methodologies and equipment aimed at the MicroBiology Research, Material Sciences and Diagnostics The first Company milestone (2009), has been the development and manufacturing of the Advanced Confocal Attachment «X-Light», based on state of the art solutions in spinning disk technology, optics and engineering.
Confocal imaging via spinning disk involves scanning a field with laser light from a number of pinholes arranged in a pattern on a modified Nipkow disk.
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