Sentences with phrase «dismal outcomes»

You might think that the death of a spouse would produce a similarly dismal outcome, but that is not true if the couple had assets.
Such behaviors often lead to dismal outcomes such as backyard isolation, rehoming, and euthanasia.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive brain tumor affecting both adults and children, has dismal outcomes as well:
Oregon and Colorado already show dismal outcomes with Homebirth as Homebirth is practiced.
«From a clinical perspective, we have identified a druggable target for a brain cancer with a particularly dismal outcome.
Over the years, a number of studies (from Minnesota, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas) have documented dismal outcomes in virtual schools, including low course - completion rates and higher - than - average school dropout rates.
ESSA also requires state education departments to collect more data on school climate, teacher effectiveness, and school spending, but doesn't require states to do anything about glaring disparities or dismal outcomes between student groups and schools.
While this dismal outcome is eons in our future, there is another, less likely outcome that could happen much sooner.
«When you look at the state of some tribal schools and the dismal outcomes for students living on tribal lands, it is clear that we must do more to help Native American children get a quality education,» said Betsy DeVos, chairman of the American Federation for Children.
Inadequate mental health care is one of the primary reasons for such dismal outcomes.
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