Sentences with word «dispatched»

Jr., dispatched a note to Graham warning that he would not be welcome at the funeral.
Too often the body is dispatched by cell phone and gold card to the grave unaccompanied by clergy, family or the company of those who care.
Daily we die and rise from the mud, washed and dispatched by the sent One into another day of confusing scenes and bad theology run amok.
Once the premodern virtuecrats have been dispatched, postmodern virtuecrats like Nash and his role model, Richard Rorty (when he isn't joshing), can inculcate «the spirit of postmodern virtues,» starting with «a sensitivity to the postmodern realities of incommensurability, indeterminacy, and nonfoundationalism.»
When Thomas Jefferson dispatched our Marines»... to the shores of Tripoli» to deal with MUSLIM terrorists, he finally realized that you have to fight and KILL these animals instead of try to appease them!
Tellingly, Dawkins makes the same mistake as his opponents in assuming that when design loses its explanatory purchase on evolutionary biology, then all arguments from order have thereby also been automatically dispatched.
Dispatched from seminary fresh - faced and spitting into his hands, a fighting - the - forces - of - smallness dynamo, Roy Dude arrived in 1982 with the charge of starting a mission in the beach community adjacent to Los Angeles International Airport.
Please keep in mind that we are unable to cancel orders once they have been dispatched.
Please note we are unable to cancel orders once they have been dispatched.
He was then dispatched to Corinth, Greece, where he successfully reconciled the Christian community there with Paul, its founder.
1987 - The U.S. Navy is dispatched to the Persian Gulf to prevent Iran from cutting off Iraq's oil shipments.
So ended a global empire which dispatched fleets of giant gray warships round the world to secure its wealth and which needed to be underpinned by serious ideas, nobly phrased and spoken by serious people.
Regular mouse traps dispatched the critters that were still in the car.
According to an audio recording obtained by HuffPo, «every death must be confirmed by the Institute of Forensic Science, which means either the bodies have to be brought to San Juan to do an autopsy or a medical examiner must be dispatched to the local municipality to verify the death.»
In 1801 President Jefferson dispatched navel vessels to Tripoli because the pasha declared war on our new republic.
To suppose that the thing can be easily and quickly dispatched is an error.
In order to save the East India Company from bankruptcy and in order to reassert its authority to tax, parliament dispatched a vast quantity of tea to the colonies.
Now the king had dispatched a man from his presence; but before the messenger arrived Elisha said to the elders, «Do you see how this murderer has sent to take off my head?
America does not remember how thos Baptists who fled over the Mountains with Daniel Boone (in violation of law) came down when threatened, carrying the Assault Arm of the Day, the Kentucky Rifle, marching 183 Mountain Miles in 8 days, dispatched the would be shooter of George Washington, and one walked a month to York PA to announce Victory at King's Mtn, when Congress was about to vote on Surrender.
Two subsequent companies are dispatched, and both remain, seized by the same contagion.
Saul of Tarsus was not just some ordinary person he was a Roman citizen, educated by the finest scholars of his day, a zealot for the Jews and you want to make believe he fell for myth, Jesus who his fellow Sanhedrin leaders hated and crucified was a myth, Saul was dispatched to kill those who believed in a myth, Saul witnessed Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit and stood by as Stephen was stoned to death over a myth, Saul later called Paul established the church over a myth, Paul tortured and killed for refusing to reject a myth.
We refund up to the value of # 10 in postage costs for reasons a) the incorrect item was dispatched b) the item is deemed faulty.
I don't want to see anything swept under any rugs — I feel like anyone accusing me of this must be mis - reading me — either willfully, or because you've become so swept up into one way of reading this online discourse, that you feel any divergent view must be swiftly — and shrilly — dispatched.
Import Duty Goods dispatched to other countries outside of the EU may be liable to Import Duty, Tax or VAT.
A bomb squad has been dispatched to the area...
We immediately dispatched Dr. Felder Rouse and Herman Dawson to get the information and head off any violence.
The religion writer was dispatched to spend Christmas in Bethlehem and to report from there.
All these (except the last) are wittily engaged and dispatched.
Along the way he has dispatched many cherished liberal shibboleths and theological wrong - turns.
If indeed «Sharia» is meant to function as it takes into consideration what would be best for society on a whole through a lens of compassion and mercy», it should also ensure that animals will be dispatched «kindly» — as humanely as possible.
I remember reading of the great haste with which his body was dispatched.
Since the center of the movement was Mt. Athos, Nicholas dispatched a military unit, which compelled Russian monks to declare at gunpoint either for the Orthodox Church or the new heresy.
In the weeks before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Pope John Paul II dispatched a Vatican diplomat, Cardinal Pio Laghi, to the White House with an unequivocal message: Stand down.
His most recent book is Dispatched from the Front: Theological Engagements with the Secular (Duke University Press).
The Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration dispatched a special crash investigation team.
Following Hurricane Sandy, as many as 32 food trucks were dispatched on any given day, serving over 500 meals apiece to storm victims in an area that was without access to food or restaurants.
These messages will be dispatched over time — at different intervals and as long as it takes — until the recipient responds or drops out.
The Gannett battle over, Ferro faced two noisy dissident shareholders: Oaktree, dispatched today with high - priced hush money, and HG Vora, an activist shareholder that smelled profit last year as Tronc was in play and bought into the company speculatively.
For this event, we dispatched 2 of our experienced English — Chinese Conference Interpreters to provide their services on - site to around 160 people.
For this event, we dispatched two of our experienced English — Chinese Conference Interpreters to provide their services on - site to around 100 people.
During the latest incident March 23, the JBLM Fire Department was dispatched to a barracks with a report of a sprinkler activation.
Twenty - five years ago it was generally believed that within a few decades the printed word would be dispatched electronically to individual subscribers» computer screens.
He also dispatched «red teams» of employees to break into Yahoo's systems and report back what they found.
The NDP's Alexandre Boulerice has dispatched a letter to Tony Clement for the purposes of clarifying the government's accounting, specifically as it relates to a budget line for grants to
He's also been thanking President Trump and others for what assistance has been dispatched.
Top technology companies have devoted lobbying dollars and dispatched their executives to the nation's capital in order to save the program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which benefits some of their employees.
FEMA Administrator Brock Long and the president's homeland security adviser have been sent to Puerto Rico to assess the damage, and FEMA claims 10,000 federal workers have been dispatched.
But during the campaign, the B.C. Liberals dispatched Mike de Jong to attack the financial implications of the B.C. NDP platform elements they now claim to support.
Donald Trump has dispatched a high - level delegation to Beijing for trade talks with China this week, which should be a reassuring sign amid rising tariff threats.
Uber has dispatched senior management and its head of HR for Asia - Pacific and LATAM, Anika Grant, on an «employee roadshow» aimed at visiting each Uber Southeast Asia office in person to help staff assess their options in person.
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