Sentences with phrase «disrupt hormone activity»

These fragrances can not only be irritating to a baby's respiratory system, but many of them have been known to cause things like disrupted hormone activity as well as liver and breast cancers.

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Hormones can disrupt the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin.
«To truly understand how endocrine - disrupting chemicals may be affecting pregnancies, the findings show we need to study not only hormone levels, but hormone activity at the cellular level.»
«Endocrine - disrupting chemicals alter thyroid hormone activity during pregnancy, affect thyroid hormone activity
Endocrine disrupters, which are found in almost 25 percent of our streams, rivers and lakes, can disrupt the normal functions of the endocrine system by mimicking or blocking the activities of hormones in wildlife leading to impaired development.
Research by German and Swedish experts investigating the effect of short - term sleep deprivation on hunger, physical activity and calorie metabolism found that too much time awake adversely impacts calorie consumption and body weight control by disrupting the delicate balance between sleep and hunger hormones.
These types of chemicals disrupt the normal activity of our hormones
Avoid toxins — Many conventional body care and household cleaning products contain toxins that disrupt hormone production and / or favor estrogenic activity in the body.
While these activities have potential benefits, overdoing it with HIT also can increase the risk for damaged joints, disrupt hormones and harm the heart, plus cause chronic inflammation, pain, hormone imbalance, fatigue, depression and reduced athletic performance.
Hormone - disrupting chemicals are more prevalent than ever before, physical activity is less and less common, veganism is popular (I was a raw vegan for a while), and many doctors insist on pushing a low - fat, low - cholesterol diet for health (by the way, the concept of a low - fat diet began in the mid-70s, shortly before the nationwide testosterone decline.
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