Sentences with phrase «disrupt normal life»

While pyriproxifen may not kill susceptible organisms outright, its ability to disrupt the normal life cycle of insects can ensure that future infestations are prevented.
Tricksters ``... violate principles of social and natural order, playfully disrupting normal life and then re-establishing it on a new basis.»

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Often, contractors work inside a client's home, disrupting normal family life.
While it is affected by the wars of Europe and either as a belligerent or as an active sympathizer with one or another of the contestants has been drawn into each of the general European wars which have been fought within the span of its history, geography has spared the United States the full impact of these wars and the nation has not been so severely impoverished as Europe, nor has its normal life been so badly disrupted.
«Antibiotic use in early life disrupt normal gut microbiota development.»
What lies underneath are fluid - filled necrotic cavities that disrupts their life force by impeding the normal flow of nutrients and water.
Exposures to chemicals that disrupt these normal processes can alter normal breast development in ways that lead to increased risk of breast cancer in later life.
At a certain time of life, this supply of eggs ends; this disrupts body's normal hormonal level; especially estrogen and progesterone hormones which are responsible for regulating many physiological balances.
But the stress - coping demands of 21st century living can wreak havoc on this normal circadian rhythm, disrupting our ability to sleep through the night, focus on our work, and take life's daily challenges in stride.
In it, a mysterious someone is killing the Shadowhunters who used to be in Valentine's Circle and displaying their bodies around New York City in a manner designed to provoke hostility between Downworlders and Shadowhunters, leaving tensions running high in the city and disrupting Clary's plan to lead as normal a life as she can — training to be a Shadowhunter, and pursuing her relationship with Jace.
Deep, festering past due debt disrupts the normal course of life.
By disrupting the normal order of daily life, Lin creatively explores the complex relationships between humans and the built environment, the materialization of the body, and its social impacts.
This EPA ruling that demands conversion of cooling systems from once - through to cooling towers is meant to mitigate impacts upon marine life from sucking in marine animals into the water intake, impinging larger animals onto filter screens, and discharging warm water that disrupts the ecosystem's normal temperature balance.
Due to the shock of betrayal which can be extremely painful, disrupting its victim's normal life in many ways, Trauma therapies like EMDR or somatic experiencing offers assistance to the hurting person to digest the deep emotions that have just aroused.
I offer individual counseling for depression, anxiety, self - esteem issues, major life stress or change which disrupts normal coping mechanisms and makes it difficult for a person to cope with new circumstances, mindfulness in our present day life, as well as relationship issues.»
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