Sentences with phrase «dissolution of parliament»

[16] The Fixed - term Parliaments Act 2011, in contrast, calls for general elections every five years (unless called sooner, as in 2017), and provides for dissolution of Parliament only by operation of law prior to each election; it abolished dissolution under the Royal Prerogative.
The Fixed - term Parliaments Act 2011 sets the period between elections at five years, and aims to fix the date of dissolution of Parliament and polling day.
If Mr Brown loses the vote on the Queen's Speech, he would be expected to tender the government's resignation immediately to the Queen - or seek dissolution of parliament.
In Scotland, dissolution of parliament requires a two - thirds majority — significantly higher than 55 % proposed for Westminster, and that threshold was set by Labour - Liberal coalition.
It allows for the early dissolution of Parliament in only two circumstances:
The main difference between prorogation of a session of Parliament without dissolution of that Parliament and actual dissolution is that in the latter situation, if a bill is re-introduced in an identical form, as for example the current C - 11 and the previous C - 32, the sponsor can ask that the legislative process take up where it left off.
The Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, tabled a budget on June 6, 2011, just over two months after he tabled his last budget, which died on the order paper with the dissolution of Parliament due to the election.
Emir Kuwait Kuwait's emir Sheikh Sabah al - Ahmad al - Sabah ordered the dissolution of Parliament over the weekend, citing security concerns and «the circumstances in the region», which includes the oil price Continue Reading
It is the Prime Minister alone who requests the dissolution of Parliament, triggering a general election, and who has overall responsibility for the use of Government time in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Harper announced the dissolution of Parliament this morning, setting the stage for his campaign as a member of the Conservative Party.
Currently, as pointed out in the article, a spending limit applies to candidates from the dissolution of parliament until polling day.
With last week's dissolution of Parliament and local elections now behind us, it seems an auspicious time to look at what the initial skirmishes of the general election can tell us about the upcoming campaign.
From 1 January 2010, an additional spending limit will apply from that date until the dissolution of Parliament.
Next week we will see the dissolution of Parliament, at which point the election campaign will go into overdrive.
I think I'm right in saying that before Harold Wilson accepted the offer from the Queen to form a minority government in 1974, after Ted Heath resigned, he asked for and obtained an assurance that he would be granted a dissolution of parliament if he asked for one.
MPs have not begun sitting yet at Westminster and already there is revolt on the backbenches at a new device changing the rules on dissolution of parliament.
During his time on the backbenches and before the dissolution of Parliament for the 2017 general election, Tim continued to work vigorously in support of improving support for vulnerable children and speaking up for young people.
As a result of this executive order coming into effect at midnight, the Prime Minister will be leaving this House any time soon to seek the dissolution of Parliament and a General Election on 25 December.
As the date for the dissolution of Parliament approaches, marking just under six weeks until the general election, the shape of the campaign is finally coming into view.
I will obviously remain an active MP until the dissolution of this Parliament and I look forward to working with new candidate for Beckenham over the coming months.
Subject to that limit, the prime minister could formerly choose the timing of the dissolution of parliament, with the permission of the Monarch.
Of course, there's still a long time between now and May and we still have a few weeks to go before the dissolution of parliament at which point the campaign will begin in earnest.
«The President shall, at the beginning of each session of Parliament and before a dissolution of Parliament, deliver to Parliament a message on the state of the nation.»
Democracy watchdog the Electoral Commission set a # 11,003 limit on spending by candidates in Richmond Park in the 23 days between the dissolution of Parliament and the May 6 election - known as the short campaign.
During a visit to the Scottish parliament, Mr Cameron responded: «I'm the first prime minister in British history to give up the right unilaterally to ask the Queen for a dissolution of parliament.
Under section 14 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, the Fixed - term Parliaments Act 2011 was amended to extend the period between the dissolution of Parliament and the following general election polling day from 17 to 25 working days.
Conservatives demanded an immediate general election, calling on Brown to go to Buckingham Palace today to ask for a dissolution of parliament.
In addition, three seats were vacant at the dissolution of Parliament on 12 April 2010, where the sitting MP had died or resigned and no by - election had been held.
The Lib Dem parliamentary group of eight is not only one seventh of the size it was at the dissolution of parliament, it is smaller than at any time since 1970.
The net outcome of all changes at the dissolution of Parliament resulted in four fewer Conservative MPs, two fewer Labour MPs, one fewer Liberal Democrat MP, four more independent MPs, the addition of one Respect MP and the addition of two UKIP MPs.
[11] The time between the announcement of the election and the dissolution of Parliament, known as wash - up, was to allow for the handling of any unfinished legislative business before the Parliamentary session's conclusion.
But it also provided for a dissolution of parliament, which would trigger a general election if two - thirds of the Commons voted in favour.
Four weeks of political campaigning will begin when Gordon Brown travels to Buckingham Palace to seek the dissolution of parliament - setting the stage for the election on 6 May.
He said: «I'm the first prime minister in British history to give up the right unilaterally to ask the Queen for a dissolution of Parliament.
He was the Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Sheffield Hallam from the general election of Thursday 1 May 1997 until the dissolution of Parliament on 11 April 2005.
The New Year Honours List, the Queen's Birthday Honours List (to mark the Sovereign's official birthday, the second Saturday in June), the Dissolution Honours List (to mark the dissolution of Parliament) and the Resignation Honours List (to mark the end of a Prime Minister's tenure) are all used to announce life peerage creations.
The first «casualty» of the election was the Prisons and Courts Bill which has not been included in the «wash up» before the dissolution of Parliament on 3 May.
The green paper also promised greater accountability: by requiring approval of the House of Commons to the dissolution of Parliament; giving a majority of members the power to demand the recall of parliament; and putting the Civil Service on a statutory footing.
I hope you won't think that I am putting too fine a point on the matter if I point out that Bill C - 32 (and everything else on the Order Paper) did not die from the vote of non-confidence but from the dissolution of Parliament and the consequent proroguing of the session.
Following the dissolution of Parliament on 3 May 2017, all Select Committees cease to exist until after the general election.
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