Sentences with phrase «distant exploding stars»

The plot thickened considerably in the late 1990s, when very distant exploding stars were inexplicably seen to be dimmer than expected.
New measurements of light from distant exploding stars were supposed to illuminate the dark energy that is pushing the cosmos apart.
Measurements of the bending of light, the motions of galaxies, and the brightness of distant exploding stars have revealed a new truth: Unseen elements, collectively called dark matter and dark energy, account for roughly 96 percent of the mass of the universe.
The same can't be said about dark energy, a truly astonishing discovery made by astronomers a decade ago while observing distant exploding stars.
Observations of distant exploding stars, or supernovas, indicated that the space between us and them was expanding at an increasing clip.
MAUNA KEA, HI — Astronomers have for the first time spotted four images of a distant exploding star, arranged in a cross-shape pattern by a powerful gravitational lens.

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A certain kind of exploding star, called a supernova, turned out to be fainter than expected in the distant past, indicating that the universe is ballooning at an ever - faster rate, and has been for nearly half of its 13.8 billion - year existence.
Gravity from a galaxy (box) in this Hubble Space Telescope image bends light from a more distant supernova, creating four images of the exploding star (arrows).
The Accelerating Universe In 1998 two teams of researchers observing distant supernovas — exploding stars — found that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.
Comets, meteorites, planets, moons, stars and even exploding stars can be seen without a telescope, and hence, when they are brought closer for inspection with such an instrument as the telescope, these distant objects are not so mysterious, just somewhat so.
Two teams, led by Saul Perlmutter of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California and Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkeley, observed scores of distant «Type Ia» supernovae, in which one star in a binary pair explodes.
In the 1990s, observations of exploding stars showed that more distant explosions were dimmer than existing theories predicted.
Measurements based on exploding stars suggest that distant galaxies are speeding away from each other at 73 kilometers per second for each megaparsec (about 3.3 million light - years) of space between them.
Three years ago, observations of distant, exploding stars blew to smithereens some of astronomers» most cherished ideas about the universe.
Astronomers have spotted the most distant object yet confirmed in the universe — a self - destructing star that exploded 13.1 billion light years from Earth.
The Dark Energy Survey has discovered a number of superluminous supernovae and continues to see more distant cosmic explosions revealing how stars exploded during the strongest period of star formation.
«It has mapped the dust in three dimensions in our galaxy and found new streams of stars; and it has found new kinds of exploding stars and distant quasars in the early universe.»
u «Three years ago, observations of distant, exploding stars blew to smithereens some of astronomers» most cherished ideas about the universe [the big bang theory].
Most people would probably agree that astronomy is an inspiring subject, blowing our minds with astonishing facts about exploding stars, extrasolar planets and supermassive black holes while beguiling our eyes with awesome vistas of alien worlds and distant galaxies.
Some of the new results included deeper understandings of galaxies in the distant universe, more complete pictures of the massive galaxy clusters, and the searches for exploding massive stars, called supernovae.
Over five years, researchers will use this telescope to survey more than 300 million distant galaxies and detect thousands of new supernovas — exploding stars.
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