Sentences with phrase «distinct symptoms»

So whereas these diseases produce distinct symptoms and billions of dollars have been spent researching potential drugs that target their unique molecular culprits, some scientists are placing their bets on cross-cutting approaches that might work across multiple disorders.
A Kansas State University food safety specialist says there are distinct symptoms for food poisoning and reporting them to your doctor is an important step in improving food safety.
Urinary tract infections in cats have distinct symptoms like painful urination communicated by loud meows.
Symptoms of a foodborne illness are similar to those with other illnesses, such as vomiting, diarrhea, headache and fever, but there are some distinct symptoms of foodborne illness.
Liver cancer is a silent killer — it happens rather frequently in canines and since many dogs do not show any distinct symptoms until it is too late, it feels as if the cancer can raise its head and kill overnight.
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