Sentences with phrase «distinctions among»

There are critical distinctions among the oft touted freemium,» freeluxe» and «paidium» (both newly coined terms by me!)
Distinctions among capital sources are blurring as the global search for yield heats up, intermediaries and lenders concurred at MBA's annual finance conference last week in San Diego.
And people need to know the distinctions among neighborhoods.
In this blog, we discuss sexual harassment; however, we recognize that distinctions among sexual harassment, sexual assault and abuse, and gender discrimination often become lost in public and non-legal discourse.
Interpersonal Distinctions among Hypochondriacal Trait Components: Styles, Goals, Vulnerabilities, and Perceptions of Health Care Providers.
• Developed student programs to promote commonalities and distinctions among the fine arts.
Dialogue in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine sounded flat, and there weren't many fine aural distinctions among the voice acting, music and sound effects in StarCraft: Remastered.
Yet there are several major distinctions among coal reserves, the two primary ones being coal rank and mining method.
To laypeople or even scientific outsiders, the difference between atmospheric science and climate science is unclear, but it's quite common for similar - sounding terminology to carry major distinctions among researchers.
In reality, meaningful distinctions among wetlands, rivers and lakes may not be possible in some regions and / or seasons which complicates the development of techniques to monitor these environments.
Of course, evolved human nature does not turn on a dime, and sometimes these sorts of statements, depending on their context, can muddle distinctions among what has happened, what is happening, what we'd like to have happen, what would be most healthy to happen, what should happen, and so forth.
Rejecting firm distinctions among conscious, animate, and inanimate matter, these theories conceive the universe as a vast collection of self - organizing matter - energy flows operating at various scales.
«Taylor drew no hierarchical distinctions among the different media he used.
Our vision is to give international, national and local multidisciplinary artists a platform without distinctions among well - known, self - taught and underexposed.
By far the best thing about The Stick of Truth is its script and willingness to go places that other games don't, whether that's the range of exotic dildos and crack pipes in Cartman's Mom's bedroom or the cavalcade of mental and physical and ethnic distinctions among its extensive cast.
Reducing the number of distinctions among economic activities and taxpayers» personal characteristics would simplify the code, reducing both compliance costs for taxpayers and administrative costs for the government.
One of the most common distinctions among...
We believe that if we have more high quality businesses on our radar, we can make more powerful comparisons and finer distinctions among businesses.
I think it's important to note here that the state by state approaches to slavery in the novel do not represent actual distinctions among states in the 1850s — this is part of the magical realism aspect, he was playing with geography and time, to build suspense and deepen understanding.
Your article has made the distinctions among publishing options and explained the pros and cons.
While the dynamic distinctions among the various trims are subtle and hard to quantify in short driving stints, the bottom line is a coupe that's quick on its feet, responding promptly to steering inputs, with modest body motions and absolutely no drama.
«Interpersonal intelligence builds on a core capacity to notice distinctions among others — in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments, motivations, and intuitions,» Gardner says.
We can now make many clearer distinctions among teachers simply because teachers are truly more variable.
Even if the estimates are free of bias, the current level of imprecision renders such point estimates, and distinctions among them, misleading.
Prior to the scoring of the pilot test, the NAEP standing committee (the educators, subject matter specialists, and curriculum experts who work with NCES and contractors to oversee the development of the assessment) reviews the scoring guides in relation to initial sets of student responses from the pilot to ensure that the scoring guides make the correct distinctions among levels of performance, and that the scores can be assigned objectively, consistently, and accurately.
If teacher effectiveness varies a lot across subjects, leaders might make more careful distinctions among teaching jobs so teachers are teaching the subjects at which they are best.
But other research, using more sophisticated analytic strategies to control simultaneously for the effects of multiple distinctions among students taking AP courses, casts doubt on these findings.
There is some discussion within the profession and some provisional use of distinctions among teachers along a qualitative spectrum - with corresponding salary differentials - as there is among lawyers and doctors, but the talk is still mainly just talk.
Because - and especially in their assessments - they tend to reflect familiar categories: The sharp and often distorting distinctions among and between «subjects»; age grading; the value placed on quick recall; the dumbing down of the quality and grace of expository prose to make it fit into some sort of rating scheme; the overload of material to be covered, usually the inevitable result of intracommittee ideological logrolling, which leads to a bit of this and a dollop of that; the almost absolute denial of a value placed on individual ingenuity, craggy but provocative thinking, sustained work, and desirable variety; the lack of interest, signaled by the assessment apparatus, of the virtues of fairness, good character, and imagination.
There is nothing wrong with making distinctions among students early in life.
Learn to diagnose and understand an event, recognizing distinctions among different types of crises
Similarly, there is no clear evidence for Levine's distinctions among different types of attention disorders, which he bases on different symptom patterns.
But mothers, as all adolescent boys know, should not be trusted to make minute distinctions among comic books, and what I ended up with was the current X-Men Giant Size Annual No. 3 («The Awesome Attack of Arkon»).
The reported distinctions among alters are mostly anecdotal, unconfirmed and difficult to interpret.
Scientists have long debated the distinctions among African elephants, which were divided into as many as 18 types in colonial times, says conservation geneticist Lori Eggert of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C..
The charts described in the paper simplify the description of high - dimensional geometry, enable dimensional reduction and the identification of significant property correlations and underline distinctions among different materials classes.
In the online world, by contrast, drawing distinctions among channels is meaningless, since audio, video and text are delivered the same way: they're just slightly different flavors of digital content.
Comparison of certified nurse - midwives, certified midwives, and certified professional midwives: clarifying the distinctions among professional midwifery credentials in the U.S. Silver Spring, MD: American College of Nurse - Midwives, 2014 (
Thus, through its narrative character, experience contains the sense of both before and after as well as the distinctions among past, present, and future, enabling us to comprehend our persistence through time.
When Peter proclaimed the gospel to the Roman centurion Cornelius, he effectively changed the policy of the early church, removing all distinctions among persons.
In short, I will try to show that Mill and Hartshorne share a view of ethics as (1) teleological, (2) having its telos in experience, (3) requiring qualitative distinctions among experiences, (4) based on an aesthetic criterion of good experience, and (5) altruistic.2
(The MacKinnon model is simpler in this respect; since there is no need to make distinctions among rapists, the issue does not arise.)
2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, «You sit here in a good place,» while you say to the poor man, «You stand over there,» or, «Sit down at my feet,» 4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Rapid advances in communication technology have blurred the distinctions among media systems.
Our very Constitution binds us, that is to say, the very breath of our political nostrils binds us, to disown all distinctions among men, to disregard persons, to disallow privilege the most established and sacred, to legislate only for the common good, no longer for those accidents of birth or wealth or culture which spiritually individualize man from his kind, but only for those great common features of social want and dependence which naturally unite him with his kind, and inexorably demand the organization of such unity....
The terms depict important distinctions among the actions of plot:
One may now return to the five theses mentioned earlier: that Hartshorne's ethics is teleological, having its telos in experience, requiring distinctions among experiences, which distinctions are based upon aesthetic and altruistic criteria.
What Katz calls «poverty discourse» has focused mainly on distinctions among the poor and the effect of welfare on their behavior, especially work effort.
Moskop claims that there are five points of agreement between the two philosophers: both maintain that ethics is» (1) teleological, (2) having its telos in experience, (3) requiring qualitative distinctions among experiences, (4) based on an aesthetic criterion of good experience, and (5) altruistic» (MH 19).
Her little book Animals and Why They Matter makes a persuasive case for distinctions among values, thus avoiding problems in extreme positions.
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