Sentences with phrase «distinctions someone make»

Interesting distinction you make between being pursued as a wife first and not a friend.
This is a very important distinction we make in reviews.
They were selected not as the only artists of distinction making abstract painting today, but as exemplary, representing the range and complexity, the vitality and potential of abstract painting today.
The more distinctions you make about the various functions during a listing interview, the more success you will have.
His studio practice focuses on painting and questions distinctions made between established notions of abstraction and representation.
Race is an artificial and arbitrary social construct, and there is no biological or scientific basis for the racial distinctions we make between people.
An important distinction made in the fields of understanding buying behaviors through these lenses is buyers rarely make decisions in a mutually independent logical manner.
Differentiation according to descent includes also distinctions made on the basis of historical events such as conquest and war.
All ignored the very clear distinctions made in Leviticus for the two sets of rules for Jewish servants and gentile slaves.
These fundamental distinctions make scenarios with 2 °C or more global warming far more dangerous; so dangerous, we suggest, that aiming for the 2 °C pathway would be foolhardy.
These fundamental distinctions make scenarios with 2 °C or more global warming far more dangerous; so dangerous, we suggest, THAT AIMING FOR THE 2 °C PATHWAY WOULD BE FOOLHARDY.
This is the first distinction we make in our understanding of the word «revelation of God.»
Indeed, Tocque - ville's writings about marriage in America must be understood in light of the larger distinction he makes between the nodal points, as it were, of aristocracy and democracy.
He held that this issue had to be ``... decided as a matter of substance, not form» and that fine distinctions made in English insolvency law between the position of the company in liquidation and the liquidator should not apply to the question that arose under Art 21.
Thats an interesting distinction you make about operator v. investor.
In fact, during World War II, there was a useful distinction made in the slang of the RAF, which distinguished the «info,» a lot of boring rigmarole about useless facts, from the «gen,» the real stuff you needed to know to tell you how to operate.
The familiar distinction made by modern liberalism — the historical Jesus versus the Christ of faith — is rejected by Bonhoeffer.
The cap that Michael Howard proposed for asylum seekers has been abolished and a proper distinction made in policy between those asylum seekers genuinely fleeing persecution and those migrants seeking economic advancement.
These tracks sound similar to these ears: deep, clean, with fastidious distinctions made between the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, which is of paramount importance to a film that so precisely deconstructs itself, featuring a killer who provides her own soundtracks for her murders, suggesting an artist in her own right.
The answer is that for many students, the social scene in large high schools is tough and unforgiving, with sharp distinctions made between the small group of social haves and the far larger masses of have - nots.
This is the formal distinction made back in 1992 in the original Climate Change Convention (signed and ratified by everyone, including the U.S.) between «Annex 1» developed countries and «non-Annex 1» developing countries.
This technical distinction makes a difference at trial because the jury is not told there is insurance behind the case under Maryland's collateral source rule.
John Pollock: I think that's right, and that's actually a big part of our education message, is that the criminal, civil distinction makes very little sense.
This superficially small distinction made the world of difference to the outcome of both cases.
People may make the distinction and turn it into a style or an ism, but those are distinctions made by critics, never by artists.
In a variety of ways Nástio Mosquito is pointing us towards a future in which clear distinctions made between art forms, between popular culture and fine art, and the categorisation of cultural identities will have become either redundant or irrelevant.
Let us now turn back again to the first distinction we made, that the revelation is not any set of propositions about God but is the actual presence of the saving and sustaining power.
The important distinction he makes in the post is how you must think before buying luxuries when you might still be paying off the debt on your earlier luxuries or when necessities are still not in order.
To Polman the distinction makes no sense.
This distinction makes it a poor Fit to the market, as big positions in equipment manufacturers like Joy Global take it beyond the scope of our benchmark.
I disagree with the distinction you make A Theist.
I appreciate the distinction made by Tait, but he confuses «Meliorists» as «improvers» with the Meliorists I defined as using a three-fold method.
«That distinction makes a lot of sense to me.
What is at fault here is a static view of the real, such that there is no distinction made between authentic and inauthentic being in which the former is true and the latter false.
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