Sentences with phrase «distinctive cultural traditions»

The Belizean blend that creates distinctive cultural traditions, and cuisines just waiting to be experienced.
While their distinctive cultural traditions will have to be renewed, call they do it and feel that their traditions have found fulfillment through that renewal?
While their distinctive cultural traditions will have to be renewed, can they do it and feel that their traditions have found fulfillment through that renewal?
The rhetoric of liberal religious leaders, unlike that of their conservative counterparts, has often questioned the value of America's distinctive cultural traditions.

Not exact matches

The effort to characterize construals of the Christian thing in the particular cultural and social locations that make them concrete will involve several disciplines: (a) those of the intellectual historian and textual critic (to grasp what the congregation says it is responding to in its worship and why); and (b) those of the cultural anthropologist and the ethnographer [3] and certain kinds of philosophical work [4](to grasp how the congregation shapes its social space by its uses of scripture, by its uses of traditions of worship and patterns of education and mutual nurture, and by the «logic «of its discourse); and (c) those of the sociologist and social historian (to grasp how the congregation's location in its host society and culture helps shape concretely its distinctive construal of the Christian thing).
A mix of distinctive cultural detail with magical realism, «Whale Rider» is still a fascinating and uplifting motion picture — a tale of tribal tradition and female empowerment that's like a live - action model for Disney's «Moana.»
The influence of earlier colonisation is always apparent in the Spanish architecture, and of course the language, yet Colombia has retained an immense variety of its own cultural traditions in the form of distinctive handicrafts, colourful dress, lively music and frequent festivals.
Drawing on sources as diverse as concrete poetry, Korean cultural traditions, and conceptual art, Cha crafted a distinctive voice that has informed many contemporary artistic practices.
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