Sentences with phrase «distract you from»

Yes, they have big goals, but they don't let those big goals distract them from whatever they're currently working on.
Office stress and distractions: No one is stopping by your desk and distracting you from work.
She did it because people told her they loved the app, but to her it distracted from her passion.
These days they often include argumentum ad hominem attacks, such as sly references to the agencies» sterling ratings on Lehman Brothers the day before it filed for bankruptcy, that distract from relevant discussion about the country's creditworthiness.
She worried that chasing after capital would distract her from building the best product she could.
In my experience, people considered smart use common words to avoid distracting from their ideas and meaning.
«If we allow ourselves to blame the technology for distracting us from our children or connecting with our communities, then the solution is simply to put away the technology.
The Serving Robot even wears a digital bow - tie, a charming touch likely intended to distract you from the fact that a robot is serving you a whiskey sour.
Distracting yourself from old habits can be a key step toward recovery.
«The tyranny of the «urgent» can distract you from what's most important, he says.
The pair advises, especially jumping into a big industry such as health and wellness, to know your competitors but to not let them distract you from your unique vision.
A year and a half ago, J.Crew's CEO Millard «Mickey» Drexler was quoted as saying «I don't know what the rush to be big is for, to be outside the United States,» and noted that growth outside the U.S. can distract from initiatives within the American marketplace.
But new clubs are shiny, and that initial glow can be enough to distract you from the darker realities of your mental game.
Interestingly, the study says that while it takes an average 11 minutes for people to get distracted from a task, a good 25 minutes are consumed in focusing on the task even after getting back to it.
On the other hand, your phone can distract you from important meetings, throw you off your groove and suck up time you could've used for more productive tasks.
Even our interruptions have interruptions, as office workers play with their iPhones and BlackBerrys during the very meetings that distract them from their actual work.
«It is unsurprising that proponents... are looking to distract from their deeply flawed initiative,» Maviglio said in an email.
It's so tempting to be a control freak in terms of the area you know best, but all that will do is distract you from the myriad other CEO responsibilities and burn out your sales leader.
Unfortunately, when you send everyone to a home page packed with multiple messages and calls to action, and navigation that distracts from the purpose of your promotion, it's difficult to get your visitors to do exactly what you want them to do (not to mention nearly impossible for you to effectively track ROAI, or return on advertising investment).
Don't let the other possibilities or hazy dreams distract you from achieving your goal.
Our Founders 10 members aren't immune to some of these struggles — but their founder - CEOs aren't letting the short - term results distract them from their long - term vision.
Don't let good copy distract you from taking action.
When thoughts surface that distract you from your breathing, don't worry.
Democrats have in turn accused Republicans and Trump allies of reviving the story to distract from the Mueller investigation.
Many shun working on the environment because they think it will distract from their career and leadership ambitions.
It's important to consider the time and effort these things may take and if they may distract from my overall goals.
And anything that distracts from the thing that makes money is a liability.
How much are the tech tools you use distracting you from doing real work?
If Trump's chief concern is saving American jobs, Keating says his focus on trade distracts from real issues that squeeze businesses, like regulation, taxes, and barriers to free trade with regions outside North America.
But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.»
She also says that her work at Facebook helped distract her from her grief and encouraged the new graduates to «live as if you had eleven days left.»
Don't let envy distract your from what you're doing about you and who your business serves.
I'm a big fan of binge watching movies and TV on my flights, which keeps me distracted from turbulence and helps pass the time.
Pressed by Tapper about Trump's repeated falsehoods, with the CNN anchor asking whether they distracted from what Conway said were «the many things that he says that are true that are making a difference in people's lives,» she said they served as distractions only «if they're covered.»
Envy will take you down the wrong path and distract you from what will help you achieve success.
Other times, tech might distract you from important tasks, spending quality time with loved ones or activities that would serve your best interests.
The effort may also distract you from a productive train of thought about your newest project or a presentation you'll be giving later in the day.
But being the short - sighted mammals we are, a few months of sub-dollar gas prices distracted us from that very reasonable thesis.
The slides should complement the words you speak, not distract from them.
Did they distract you from it?
Just like physical exercise, creative stimulation engages and focuses our minds on the task at hand — and distracts us from feelings of stress and anxiety.
«Reading articles I found online distracted me from the real work I had to do.
But these details can distract us from the only essential thing that websites do: communicate with someone.
Analysts, however, said the nominations to the board — to be cut to 12 directors from a previous 18 and voted on by shareholders in April — would do little to distract from the problems accumulating for GE.
These elements seem like you're establishing credibility, but actually you're distracting from your real mission.
The phrase refers to removing the friction that exists in small businesses today, distracting them from their core competencies and passions.
However, a Reuters analysis of nationwide bridge data reveals the fretting over the safety of bridges and other road infrastructure is overblown and could distract from more serious problems elsewhere:
A couple years ago, when Apple CEO Tim Cook started talking up Apple's services revenue — largely millions of tiny purchases of songs on iTunes and apps in Apple's App Store — critics assumed this was a smokescreen to distract from weakening hardware sales.
As actor Will Smith explained in an inspiring interview, having a Plan B only distracts from pursuing Plan A.
E-mail would only give sports journalists and sports - radio hosts another avenue to contact him, which would distract him from his main mission: watching football games and evaluating players.
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