Sentences with phrase «district costs»

This agreement reflects a $ 250 - per - week increase in pool rental fees, which haven't gone up since 2007, and covers all park district costs for the program.
Often times homes in good school districts cost more.
State law encourages and supports the unregulated growth of charters that decreases district revenue while increasing district costs.
These estimates represent declines of 13 to 19 percent from the projected district costs for 2012.
Moreover, if enrollment losses were spread across schools, district costs such as building maintenance and utilities would remain fixed.
Negatively Amortizing Loans 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI) Market characteristics and historical performance.
Note: Besides the Federal Cost of Funds index lenders may also use the other Cost Of Funds indexes, e.g. 11th District Cost Of Funds index, National Monthly Median Cost of Funds.
It is in those states that the opportunities for district cost reduction are most promising, as data from Wisconsin so clearly show.
We also examine data newly available from Wisconsin to quantify the impact of that state's recent change in collective bargaining law: we find a reduction in district costs of 13 to 19 percent, the result of lower - cost policies and higher teacher contributions.
Our estimate of $ 2,614 for the impact of Act 10 on district costs reflects these changes.
Average district costs in 2011 were $ 8,311 and $ 19,356 for single and family coverage, respectively.
The DPI and WASB estimates show broadly consistent evidence of a large first - year impact of Act 10 on district costs for teacher health insurance, but we can only speculate on what the future effect will be.
The renovations to the 27 - story building located in Atlanta's Central Business District cost more than $ 30 million.
The renovations to the 27 - story building located in Atlanta's Central Business District cost...
Hurtado and his supporters argue the district needs to curtail park district costs and that Peck, whom Hurtado has acknowledged as a friend, shares those same concerns.
A ticket to the event at the Carmine's in Manhattan's Theater District costs between $ 500 and $ 4,950 — the maximum amount someone running for citywide office can accept in an individual contribution — according to a copy of the invitation, which was obtained by Capital.
Chief Brown also disclosed that government is bringing 24 engines, thus, fire thunders into the country and that management of the station must maintain the fire thunders well because the new thunders given to Ellembele district cost Ghana National Fire Service $ 2,000.
County Executive Edward Mangano's administration, however, blames district costs unrelated to the private operator.
Wisconsin's high district costs reflected both the choice of expensive plans and low teacher contributions.
Knee also misses an opportunity to address the elephant in the room that any education business must face: the impact of such companies on their customers or end users, including effects on student learning, teacher quality, school productivity, or district cost savings.
Litigating against a school district costs time and money that many parents don't have, and school districts are increasingly willing to spend.
Additional research in several areas, such as a full capital study to examine district costs; a review of literate and illiterate poverty, and concentration of poverty by district; and a full transportation cost study.
The fund is also on the verge of passing the 50 - 50 ratio of active members to retirees, which also will drive up district costs since fewer active members will be paying into the plan.
Because Carranza left in less than two years, the new search will not cost the district
-- Mississippi only pays for 65 percent of what a school district needs to operate, but 85 percent of district costs go towards the classroom.
In addition, two other District costs for its employees are budgeted centrally — premiums for workers» compensation and unemployment insurance.
Data sources have included school records; site visits; CMO and district cost data; and surveys of CMOs, principals, and teachers.
These rates are based on a mortgage index like the Monthly Treasury Average (MTA) or the 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI).
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that school district costs for teachers» health insurance rose at an average annual rate of 4 percent above inflation from 2004 to 2012.
District cost reduction would ideally derive from changes that enhance efficiency, such as greater competition for health insurance.
The estimated impact on total premiums accounted for two - thirds of the reduction in district costs, and the act's impact on employee contributions comprised the other third.
High turnover is costly to both students and districts, reducing student achievement and increasing district costs for replacement, which can run as much as $ 20,000 per teacher.Carroll, T. G. (2007).
«A tax cap that is tied to an inflationary number that does not reflect school district costs and which results in negative levies should raise concerns with both state policymakers and the general public that want a quality education for our students.»
«But it has failed to restrain, or cap, basically, school district costs
Although Wisconsin is in a region with higher - than - average medical premiums, this geographic factor accounts for only a minor part of the gap between Wisconsin's district costs and the national average.
But from 2011 to 2012, average district costs for family coverage fell by an estimated $ 2,010, while district costs for single coverage declined by $ 1,042 (see Figure 4).
In all likelihood, a great deal of any district cost reduction will take the form of higher teacher payments toward their health care through higher contributions and increased out - of - pocket expenses.
It is important to note that even with the dramatic savings from Act 10, district costs and total premiums in Wisconsin are still well above the national average for teachers.
Students also make informational DVDs for the community, saving the district the cost of hiring an outside service.
Iowa pays for education through a foundation formula based on the number of students in each district multiplied by a district cost per pupil.
Summertime — offer one - to four - day classes during the summer and save your district the cost of substitute teachers.
The district cost is $ 19,000 a student, plus transportation and other related costs.
Basically, schools are funded by the state on the low end cost of what a «C» or «Successful» district costs to operate.
The formula then adjusts each district's ADM based on school size, a district cost factor and an additional 20 percent in funding for special, vocational and bilingual education.
WASB supports this bill and believes it will safeguard student, staff and public health while reducing school district costs.
We also failed to understand the political and district costs of tying such laws to federal incentives, particularly given a strong ethos of local control in many school districts, like most of those in Colorado.
The proposal would tie school funding to educational outcomes and district costs.
The three major indexes that impact rates are the one - year Treasury Bill, the 11th District Cost of Funds Index, or COFI, and the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR.

Phrases with «district costs»

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