Sentences with phrase «district school system»

Flanagan should be more concerned about the dysfunction and corruption in his own districts school system on LI.
Today, St. Francis of Assisi School continues to serve the children of Greenwood and the surrounding communities as an educational alternative to a struggling district school system.
Charters like PUC Schools and district school systems across the country are facing a common problem: Even though students of color represent half of the public school student population, the teacher workforce is still overwhelmingly white.
The idea that Black families who live in the catchment area of a perpetually failing district school system would be denied choice is unfathomable.
«City Hall's effort to impose red tape on our schools without authority shows that the de Blasio administration never really embraced the idea that charter schools are supposed to be independent of the district school system,» Ms. Moskowitz, said in a statement.
Now, Kingsland asked about an all - voucher education system, and of course the calculus in that situation would be different than in a voucher system that runs in tandem with a district school system.
If the court were to find that the ESA funds do constitute a separate appropriation, then it runs afoul of the constitutional mandate that the legislature fund the district school system first because the legislature passed the ESA bill before the district school funding bill.
Each person employed as a member of the instructional staff in any district school system shall be properly certified pursuant to s. 1012.56 or s. 1012.57 or employed pursuant to s. 1012.39 and shall be entitled to and shall receive a written contract as specified in this section.
The district school system is not controlled by the consumers of education — parents and children — but by politically driven interest groups, especially the school employee labor unions.
The state supreme court barred the legislature from diverting funds that it had already committed to meet the basic funding requirements of the district school system, but otherwise left the door open to various funding possibilities.
They think there's a threat to the district school system if that happens.
However, these critics generally fail to consider the reduction in expenses associated with students switching out of the district school system, wrongly assuming that all or most school costs are fixed.
During the 2011 - 12 school year, when charters enrolled 41 percent of the city's students, they removed 227 children for discipline violations and had an expulsion rate of 72 per 10,000 students; the District school system removed three and had an expulsion rate of less than 1 per 10,000 students.
«City Hall's effort to impose red tape on our schools without authority shows that the de Blasio administration never really embraced the idea that charter schools are supposed to be independent of the district school system.
Eva Moskowitz, SA's founder, said in a statement, «City Hall's effort to impose red tape on our schools without authority shows that the de Blasio administration never really embraced the idea that charter schools are supposed to be independent of the district school system.
Unlike the district school system, charter schools are already held accountable and we as parents welcome that.
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