Sentences with phrase «disturbing thing»

But the most disturbing thing was that all the gas burners were turned up to high, yet there was nothing on the stove.
Not Telling Clients About Dual Agency Perhaps the most disturbing thing about dual agency is that many times, the clients will not be aware that their agent is working for both the buyer and the seller.
The disturbing thing is that Stephen Hawking didn't simply say these words, it's that he's being relentlessly marketed in a media campaign, he offered himself up as an endorsement.
The very disturbing thing about this chart is how rapidly the arrears increased from the.18 % in 1989 to.62 % in 1991.
Another disturbing thing I noticed was that most of these sites also have poorly managed social media pages.
Seeing Ross in his entirety makes it impossible to ignore the human being standing behind the rap sheet, which may be the most disturbing thing of all.
When it comes to Jumoke's takeover of the Milner School, the most disturbing thing of all is that the negative impact will fall most heavily on Hispanic students and those who need special education services.
I felt like that was a very important thing to show and a very disturbing thing to show.
The disturbing thing was that I'd seen people going through those piles of clothes before, picking through them and taking items out.
The disturbing thing was that her antibodies kept climbing higher on each follow up lab test.
They remain alive for a time after they stop dividing, but sometime after cellular division ends, cells do a particularly disturbing thing: Essentially, they commit suicide.
A similarly disturbing thing happened with the brain organoids.
It may be a disturbing thing to picture, but Darwin had a similar mental image of plants.
«The most disturbing thing is that almost every woman has a story regarding harassment or worse,» said Stewart - Cousins, in a statement to Gotham Gazette.
It's funny that you mention placentas JessTrev, I saw the most disturbing thing, a placenta hair treatment in my local priceline.
The disturbing thing is, Arsenal deserved to lose that game in our opinion.
What are you saying??? No club suffers injury as much as Arsenal, and the most disturbing thing about ours is that we don't even have good replacements (poor bench).
What's the most disturbing thing?
The most disturbing thing about the so - called «Trojan Horse» affair wasn't that Muslims are teaching their children to be Muslims (we should be used to that) but rather the reports that followed on the back of the story of The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspections of Muslim independent schools in other areas.
Mediating between the contemporary situation and the gospel did not mean, for Holmer, that the gospel was not often a «very disturbing thing,» to use Luther's expression.
But here's the disturbing thing: I was fully committed to sticking with the Church even before the blessed revelation.
The most disturbing thing is that too many people don't seem to know the difference.
The whole messy, strange, inspiring, disturbing thing — an August 22 rally against the building of a mosque near the site in New York where the World Trade Center once stood.
«The most disturbing thing to me was that this student was training to do missions in Africa,» Grey said.
Also, there is nothing wrong with being sexually aroused by naked men or women, the disturbing thing with the unequal power of division (or lack of division) of power in society produces systems where women continuously lessened, by objectification (more than) men.
Perhaps, the most disturbing thing about this ridiculous episode of distractive journalism is that it is Ms. Kelly who has earned the raspberries for pointing out the absurd racism of Ms. Aisha, and not Ms. Aisha for being so absurdly racist.
The disturbing thing about the latest breach — in what seems to be a neverending stream of breaches — is that thieves had -LSB-...]
There are so many extraordinary and disturbing things about the President's conduct that it is hard to know where to start.
If this says potentially disturbing things about our perceptual vulnerabilities, it's nonetheless something that can be exploited in the workplace.
We've actually been using it for the last couple of weeks, and realized a few disturbing things about my sleep.
«One of the really disturbing things about those sorts of challenges is looking at the garbage bins at the end of them.»
In my childhood... while not raised as a girl... I had some horrible, disturbing things happen and I promise... I could go toe to toe with you on that... but my, God, I don't want to re-hash that here.
Click Fix by Marc Barnes Over-Imaged Age Look At Me by Patricia Snow Through a Screen, Darkly Reclaiming Attention A Church that Was by Peter Hitchens Lovely Disturbing Things Never Such Innocence
She said many other disturbing things to me, which I have begun to forget, mercifully, although it took me a couple years to get over it.
As for what Jesus taught, he said some pretty disturbing things about God's wrath upon the earth, and then in his ascended state, he told John the graphic horrific violence that would come at the end of days.
When I was small, these lovely, disturbing things were normal.
There are disturbing things in his past, but they involve writing, not touching or talking or womanizing or wife - dumping or «consulting.»
However, you don't have to dig very far into the Bible in order to find really disturbing things.
One of the most disturbing things about the NFL is the way that teams have lost their incentive to be good.
It was one of the more disturbing things I'd ever seen on television.
What are some disturbing things Jehovah Witness.
Among the most disturbing things for me to hear, as someone with an extensive background in women's studies, was that by being a Sugar Baby I wasn't a feminist.
The slow reveal of what's going on within Area X is handled masterfully and unnervingly, and the second act ends with a set piece that's one of the most effective and disturbing things I've seen in years.
But despite its dazzling candy - coloured look and non-stop array of madcap high jinks, silly business and gross - out moments (blue puke on the roller coaster, bird poop on the sandwiches), Not Bummer Summer will have adult viewers drifting and noticing disturbing things like, hey, Aunt Opal doesn't remind the kids to put on their seatbelts before tearing up the neighbourhood like a maniac and flipping some kid's bouncy castle into the middle of the street without stopping to see if he's okay.
As they battle Shen and his evil wolf pack, Po learns some disturbing things about his childhood that have him wondering who he really is.
«To be totally honest, The Fly is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen!»
«I know there are a lot of really disturbing things that are happening in the movie,» Stan said in an interview.
In a makeshift lab, a dissected frog, a brain and other disturbing things are seen.
Frank Bruni of the New York Times worries that the pressure of selective college admissions is forcing kids to do «stagy, desperate, disturbing things to stand out.»
One of the most disturbing things about Steve Perry and the way he runs Capital Prep.
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