Sentences with phrase «diurnal temperature»

"Diurnal temperature" refers to the variation in temperature that occurs over the course of a day, specifically between the highest and lowest temperatures experienced. It represents the difference between the warmest time of the day (usually in the afternoon) and the coolest time of the day (usually in the early morning). Full definition
The influence of diurnal temperature variation on degree - day accumulation and insect life history.
Against this background we here explore the sensitivity of a tropical ectotherm, the butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler 1879), to experimentally simulated heat waves using ecologically realistic diurnal temperature cycles.
Global warming: Evidence for asymmetric diurnal temperature change, Karl et.
It offers a cool climate with large diurnal temperature swings and soils that are low in fertility and heavy on rocks and pebbles.
This microclimate experiences freezing temperatures most years, higher average summer temperatures, and greater diurnal temperature variation.
Karner has been taking single time series of diurnal temperature differences and showing that they act as if they are constrained to return to a fixed value.
An appreciable number of nonurban stations in the United States and Canada have been identified with statistically significant (at the 90 % level) decreasing trends in the monthly mean diurnal temperature range between 1941 - 80.
These days of low diurnal temperature range occur naturally from time to time at individual locations.
It is worth noting that the Bureau carried out extreme temperature analysis, namely the frequency of record - setting daily temperatures, while excluding all negative diurnal temperature range results.
1991 Thomas R. Karl, et al., «Global Warming: Evidence for Asymmetric Diurnal Temperature Change.»
Using information from stations operated by certified observers for which complete weeks of data were available the researchers calculated the difference between the highest temperature recorded during the day and the lowest recorded at night, the so - called diurnal temperature range (DTR).
[9] Any intact lava tube on the Moon could serve as a shelter from the severe environment of the lunar surface, with its frequent meteorite impacts, high - energy ultraviolet radiation and energetic particles, and extreme diurnal temperature variations.
So the models do have a comparable diurnal temperature range to the real world.
Night sky cooling is very useful when you have small diurnal temperature variations.
Both are rolling, hillside sites that feature «limiting» soils, large diurnal temperature swings and long, long growing seasons.
If generally rising temperatures, decreasing diurnal temperature differences, melting glacial and sea ice, smaller snow extent, stronger rainstorms, and warming oceans are not enough to persuade you -LSB-...]
Diurnal temperature differences are small with cool days and warm nights.
New analyses of daily maximum and minimum land - surface temperatures for 1950 to 1993 continue to show that this measure of diurnal temperature range is decreasing very widely, although not everywhere.
They don't work as well in cloudy climates or where there isn't a large diurnal temperature swing.
This occurs on individual days of very low diurnal temperature range, at individual locations, and affects less than 0.03 % of the records in the dataset.
For example, diurnal temperature variation in Brucella patients, a Brucella - specific PCR method, and a WHO - recommended brucellosis treatment were selected as use cases to model brucellosis symptom, diagnosis, and treatment, respectively.
There is an extensive literature on diurnal temperature range and it is far more complicated than the BEST paper makes out.
«For instance, diurnal temperature range, a climate - change index that influenced the model, has been decreasing steadily since the 1950s,» he said.

Phrases with «diurnal temperature»

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