Sentences with phrase «diverse ethnic backgrounds»

One way to learn about children from diverse ethnic backgrounds is to live as they do.
The modern society has become more supportive of relationships involving people of diverse ethnic background.
Nevertheless, although Canadian astronomy graduate students come from increasingly diverse ethnic backgrounds, the faculty does not yet reflect this diversity.
The shared experience of military service unified a generation of young American men from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
One of the challenges is in educating children from diverse ethnic backgrounds in a way that respects and supports their differences as well as prepares them to succeed in mainstream U.S. society.
The display brings together artworks which demonstrate the trans - national exchange between artists from diverse ethnic backgrounds during the inter-war years.
The modern society has become more supportive of relationships involving people of diverse ethnic background... [Read More]
Demographic data revealed participants in both the control and intervention groups came from diverse ethnic backgrounds and geographical localities within the Perth metropolitan area.
A company made up of employees from diverse ethnic backgrounds, generations, genders, races and religions (just to name a few) has more creative energy to harness than one with a more homogenized workforce.
In a study of 6,654 middle - aged and older U.S. adults from diverse ethnic backgrounds, participants living in areas with high levels of traffic - related air pollution tended to have lower HDL levels.
Crucially, the Quebecois researchers disproved the «rich white» cougar stereotype by demonstrating that many of these older women come from diverse ethnic backgrounds and also fall within lower income brackets.
Many countries and communities are opening up with greater understanding of humanity and therefore interracial dating is on increase and more and more women and men belonging to diverse ethnic background are dating each other.
The Kalamazoo school district has historically had many low - income students and students from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
The diverse ethnic background of our students contributes to the unique nature of the Syracuse City School District.
The great variety among young library users in city, rural, and suburban areas calls for consideration of a book's appeal to children who are sophisticated or immature, advanced or slow, from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and with disparate interests and lifestyles.
ADW client / recipients have diverse ethnic backgrounds, financial means and ages, from 5 to 95.
«As a Licensed Clinical Therapist I have worked with a wide clientele base; teenagers, adults, and families, many whom are from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
In her twenty five years of experience she has dedicated time and effort to work with different age groups including children, adolescents, adults and elderly from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
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